FIXING THE FIGHT: Rape Laws VS #BelieveAllWomen
#believeallwomen is a rising chant, but it has the capability to ruin the lives of real people. Is it the right path for rape investigators to take? It’s time to weigh up the debate.
#believeallwomen is a rising chant, but it has the capability to ruin the lives of real people. Is it the right path for rape investigators to take? It’s time to weigh up the debate.
Fixing the Fight takes on the #MeToo controversy with the aim of calming the debate and helping both sides reach a mutual accord.
Being a man carries a higher chance of prison for the same crimes, and a far lesser chance of leniency. Today we will be discussing the double standard in the courts and in public life.
The VAWA has expired, and the internet’s outcry is intense. Let’s examine what the act is, what it does, and why it matters.
Domestic Violence Shelters for men, and male victims of DV, are a critical Men’s Rights issue that is sorely overlooked by the world at large.
Boys are being taught that they are stupid and evil in the classroom and on TV. Teachers and authorities are warping a new generation of children. This. Must. Stop.
The problem with being a tyrant who pretends to be a champion of equality is that, at some point, you’ll get given a dose of equality…. which is exactly what just happened in the UK this week.
In which we ask why there are so many male feminists when the movement demonize men. It’s time to try to give an answer that doesn’t treat them like creeps.
Marriage is a two way street – unless you are an abuser who thinks that the whole arrangement is there to benefit you. That wives abuse men is a huge taboo.
No-Shave November is almost upon us! Time to unleash your inner manliness and raise some funds for a good cause!