Castrating Men - A History of Total Violation
Written by Zader. If you like this article and want to see more, feel free to donate to his PayPall or his Patreon. We do not take a cut. Throughout human history, many cultures and…
Written by Zader. If you like this article and want to see more, feel free to donate to his PayPall or his Patreon. We do not take a cut. Throughout human history, many cultures and…
A list of citations & resources debunking the claims of feminism, and highlighting the abuses of its biggest proponents.
How do you debate a feminist? Should you? Let’s take a look! Forewarned is forearmed, after all..
International Men’s Day is upon us once again, and it’s time to focus the conversation on some of our issues. For example – bodily autonomy, suicide, homelessness, longer prison sentences for the same crimes, and so much more. Men Are Human are gearing up like never before to spread awareness, change minds, and soften hearts towards the plight of men and boys. Will you be there to help them too?
We’re told so often that men are ‘the privileged sex’, but is the grass really greener on the other side? The only real way to know is to live both lives, so we asked a transgender MRA to weigh in. Is ‘male privilege’ a myth, or is it really better to be a boy? Find out in our latest article.
International Womens’ Day is an annual festival celebrating all women – but this noble idea is prone to male bashing and sexist hatred. We explore a few examples.
(Part Two) School and home are where children learn, but what are they learning? In some cases the lesson seems to be that males are evil – and that is utterly unacceptable.
Boys are being taught that they are stupid and evil in the classroom and on TV. Teachers and authorities are warping a new generation of children. This. Must. Stop.
The problem with being a tyrant who pretends to be a champion of equality is that, at some point, you’ll get given a dose of equality…. which is exactly what just happened in the UK this week.
In which we ask why there are so many male feminists when the movement demonize men. It’s time to try to give an answer that doesn’t treat them like creeps.