Castrating Men - A History of Total Violation
Written by Zader. If you like this article and want to see more, feel free to donate to his PayPall or his Patreon. We do not take a cut. Throughout human history, many cultures and…
Written by Zader. If you like this article and want to see more, feel free to donate to his PayPall or his Patreon. We do not take a cut. Throughout human history, many cultures and…
A list of citations & resources debunking the claims of feminism, and highlighting the abuses of its biggest proponents.
How do you debate a feminist? Should you? Let’s take a look! Forewarned is forearmed, after all..
International Men’s Day is upon us once again, and it’s time to focus the conversation on some of our issues. For example – bodily autonomy, suicide, homelessness, longer prison sentences for the same crimes, and so much more. Men Are Human are gearing up like never before to spread awareness, change minds, and soften hearts towards the plight of men and boys. Will you be there to help them too?
The Red Flag Alert List is a resource designed to help people avoid negative or abusive relationships by highlighting common patterns.
Our friend the psychologist has returned with a new study intending to research victims of domestic violence. Are willing to help them out?
The VAWA has expired, and the internet’s outcry is intense. Let’s examine what the act is, what it does, and why it matters.
Domestic Violence Shelters for men, and male victims of DV, are a critical Men’s Rights issue that is sorely overlooked by the world at large.