“The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.”
— Celebrated Feminist Sally Miller Gearhart. Author of The Future – If There Is One – Is Female.
You can read it for free here.
Most people quietly know – even if they’d never admit it – that Feminism lends itself to some deeply unpleasant views about men. Generally speaking, men are considered a problem. They either aren’t working hard enough to help women, or they are portrayed as the cause of all female woes. Boys must be taught that they are the ‘Oppressor Gender’. That, just because they are male, they are automatically evil and toxic.
And of course, it follows from there – logically – that they must be given detention for being male. After all, men are the cause of all the world’s wars and problems. Right? So boys must stand up in front of the school and apologise for how they were born. Isn’t that fair. And the girls? Why, they must be taught that they are already perfect – just the way they are.
Of course, what they leave out is that women are just as bad as men – though often in different ways. Women happily support wars. Female leaders are rarer, but more warlike. And nobody ever talks about the female arm of the KKK. Or the female role in the Rwandan Genocide. Or the fact that most infanticides are by the mother. Or that they, not dad, are the primary advocates and practitioners of FGM.
We, as a species, amplify tales of male violence – but are quick to apologise and cover up female violence. We’d rather pretend that women who butcher children were merely victims of circumstance. We sob for the child who lost its mother (because she was executed for killing all her other children). But not a sympathetic tear is spent on the killer dad who helped. Films rarely talk about the literal female Nazis who had prisoners tortured and killed for merely looking at them.

Instead we have an endless stream of movies, TV shows, and more where the men are all mentally handicapped and the girls are all geniuses. It’s a false reality forming in the minds of the public – where men are incompetent, lazy, stupid, and evil. And that is what is being taught to our children. They don’t get any other kind of content fed to them, after all. Stupid, evil, lazy, women are a taboo. So it’s all one way. They end up trapped in a funnel of anti-male thinking that leads only to insanity, and extremism. It’s all they are fed, so they believe it. They repeat it until the fiction seems real. And they act on it. And if any man dares question it, he’s attacked for it and used as proof.
This has lead to a media situation where boys are increasingly portrayed as not only evil, but inferior to girls. And it makes a kind of twisted sense – if you have been taught men are the sole cause of rape, war, and genocide. It’s the logical conclusion of those ‘facts’.
The Rise Of Hate In Feminism
Bigots throughout history have relied on a very simple formula:
- Tell the people they have a faceless enemy.
- The enemy causes every problem we suffer.
- The enemy wants to hurt/rape/murder our women and children.
- We can solve this problem by subduing, enslaving, or killing the enemy.
All you need do is supply constant negative examples of that enemy until hate builds on its own. Awful and horrifying stories create a narrative about the evil, and it helps if they’re at least partly true. Don’t even worry about the details! Any random crime against our (obviously innocent) group by THEM is suddenly enemy action. Especially against women and children. Examples of ‘bad things they did to us’ are used to fuel hate. They are then multiplied to give you ‘factual justification’. Thus every rape, murder, or even self defence becomes an attack on all women by all men. It becomes Femicide. It becomes a gender war.
Next, use those example to build up the same old bigoted stereotype we always apply to hated groups: “They’re evil, violent, predatory, subhuman, weird, stupid, malevolent, and (of course) they’re out to get us! Yes! All of them!” You then decide if they are a) conniving and smart (Jews), or b) little better than animals (gays, blacks, most others). Good people from the group are labelled as exceptions who supress their “secret and unsettling desires” by becoming like us. The only difference now is the stereotype isn’t being applied to a single race or identity, but to ALL men. You can literally take sections from ‘Mein Kampf’, replace ‘Jew’ with ‘men’ and publish it in an accredited Feminist journal. And you can do it the other way too. There’s literally an entire sub on Reddit substituting the word ‘men’ with ‘Jew’ in the Feminist media to show their bigotry.
This is what Feminism is doing, and it is not about equality.
Creating The Hate Machine
But even bad ideas need to look legitimate, and you can’t just teach from examples in the class. You need a theory. You need experts to repeat and validate it. And this is where academia and the media work together to deal their most subtle and devastating damage – multiplying base fear into united hatred. Just like with ‘racial science’, and classification of homosexuals as deviants, ‘experts’ lay the groundwork. You will find them somewhere behind every hateful movement, quietly inventing ‘facts’ to support it. These ‘facts’ then form the framework for propaganda in the media.

Academic theories like Hegemonic Masculinity, Male Privilege, and so on funnel down into Buzzfeed via higher sources. It’s a way to dismantle the male identity as a protector of women, and install the identity of a monster. A way to reduce half the species to a single homogenous class of people defined by it’s worst stereotypes. And all of is neat, and citeable, and documented, and backed up by very misleading statistics.
No longer are they mere sewer-workers and postmen – ‘just like me’. Now they are apex predators, or a special class defined as having special privileges. Never mind that those privileges don’t exist, or only apply to the wealthy (including wealthy women). The Apex Fallacy allows even the most lowly, penniless, tramp to be classed as more privileged than the richest women. But it’s a great justification for the idea ‘we should strip all men of all power and have a female-run society‘. After all, you can’t trust that Evil Gender. Can you?
Tearing Down ‘The Enemy’ With Propaganda
Academia fuels media Propaganda, and Propaganda is all about shifting the Overton Window. It’s about embedding and normalising the idea that the so-called enemy is a kind of monster in human form. If you can do this, it’s easy to claim that the enemy is not only inferior but cunning and dangerous. And, also, at the same time, worthy of contempt. It begins with whispers in academia, and jokes you can pretend you didn’t mean. But sooner or later you have enough support to mount an offensive, driving that message home and causing it to snowball. And that’s exactly the stage we are at.

- “All boys should be castrated at birth.” Says feminist teacher to class of boys.
- “Men are inferior to women” says the very mainstream Guardian Newspaper.
- Female-led countries handled coronavirus better, study suggests. It is well known and documented that feminist academia makes sure that there is a constant stream of sexist ‘studies’ like this which are engineered to find the ‘correct’ result. Also – imagine the backlash if a study were published suggesting “countries led by white people faired better than ones led by blacks”.
- “Men, The Truly Weaker Sex” This is an extremely contemptuous way to say that men have weaker immune systems. It seems calculated to ensure people laugh rather than thinking “maybe we should spend more on men’s health?” If this happened to women, it would be billed as sexism.
- Defining Domestic Violence as a ‘War On Women’, but ignoring the fact that half of it is against men.
- Dubbing the killing of women by men ‘femicide’, and acting as if this were a crime by all men against all women. Conversely, they ignore the fact that women commit the majority of all infanticides, and that those killings mostly target boys.
- Andrea Dworkin’s ironic ‘husband’ says “Why talking about ‘healthy masculinity’ is like talking about ‘healthy cancer’”
- The Duluth Model, which is the dominant model for understanding Domestic Violence. Despite hundreds of studies pointing to Domestic violence being 50/50, it defines it solely as a man hitting a women. If a woman hits a man, it’s automatically classified as self defence.
- And there are so many worse ones on our Citations List.
That list is the short version. There are literally tens of thousands of examples, just like that. And all of it is just the justification: The slow building of a case for war in the public mind.
Feminism’s Dirty Little Open Secret
But academia doesn’t stop. They’ve identified a ‘problem’ in need of a ‘solution’. A final one. Thus key Feminist thinkers throughout the ages have advocated for ‘male population control’. Not with bullets, or gulags, or gas chambers – but eugenics. The idea may seem insane, but it isn’t implausible. After all, that’s what “The Future Is Female” REALLY means. Just substitute ‘Female’ for ‘White’ and you get the picture. And all you really have to do is stir hatred for men while ensuring abortion and gender-selective IVF are legal. It doesn’t even need to go as far as castration at birth, but – as we have seen – there are some who think it should. And it has happened before – like that time America sterilised disabled people.
This is not a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. It isn’t even a claim. It’s the heavily documented view of some very very popular and influential Feminists. Including feminists considered ‘founding mothers’ and several who have won awards. And we’re going to give you examples. Of course this is #NotAllFeminists, but it’s a worrying number. And if any Feminists reading this are angry or worried about it – speak out. You can’t hide it anymore. You can’t pretend. Misandry is very real. Let me show you what I mean.
Lois Waisbrooker

Lois Waisbrooker was a radical feminist author, editor, publisher, and campaigner during the 19th century.
She is most fondly remembered for her 1893 novel “A Sex Revolution” in which she advocated the mass slaughter of men – to reduce them to ten percent of the human population.
She also wrote a book called “Eugenics; or Race Culture Lessons”, and contributed to the weekly anarchist magazine “Lucifer, the Light-Bearer”. Lois was possibly the first known woman to advocate the near-total gendercide of men, but she would not be the last.
Professor Mary Daly
Professor Mary Daly Described as “One of the most revered visionaries of the contemporary women’s liberation movement”, and holder of six graduate degrees, was a die-hard man hater: “Furthermore, the idea of gender includes “men”—a word she is loathe to utter—and even the word “spiritual” is to her but another trapping of the patriarchal ideologies she left behind long ago.” What Is Enlightenment? (Issue 16) by Susan Bridle

Her views of men were horrifying. Not only did she describe men as evil, they were necrophiliac – if not mutants. All males were banned from her Advanced Woman’s Studies classes – which implies that they contained a violence of hatred far beyond the level was happy to spill to an actual magazine:
“If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males.”
— Mary Daly in What Is Enlightenment? (Issue 16) by Susan Bridle
Yes, Mary Daly is another ‘radical’ feminist who hated men enough to say that they should all be wiped out. This is an extremely common theme among famous feminist theorists, as you may be realising. The idea seems to be that men are a ‘contaminant’ or ‘plague’ and that the world must be cured of them. This is literally the kind of thinking that starts Holocausts.
And, if you think she was bad – here is the woman Mary Daly was agreeing with in that quote:
Professor Sally Miller Gearhart

1931 – current
Professor Sally Miller Gearhart – Feminist, teacher, author, and political activist. Famously the first openly lesbian woman to obtain a tenure-track position at a university, where she established one of the very first women’s studies courses. Good for her, but there’s a catch. Namely, the three tenets Sally believes the human race must live by:
- “Every culture must begin to affirm the female future.”
- “Species responsibility must be returned to women in every culture.”
- “The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.”
Gearheart, being a gendercidal lunatic, is also known for creating a bizarre all-female sci-fi world where flying women with psychic powers reproduce by “ovular merging” – thus ‘eliminating the need for men’. I think we can safely conclude she is a bigot who thinks men have no place in the world. She may not have invented it, but it rather adds subtext to that “The Future is Female!” slogan, doesn’t it?
Valerie Solanas

Valerie Solanas – famous radical Feminist writer, stalker, attempted murderer, and paranoid schizophrenic. You knew we’d end up here eventually. This is the woman who famously called for ALL men to be massacred by women in “The SCUM Manifesto” (1967). Almost every word of which expresses a deep-seated pathological hatred of men. From the very first line, she expresses the urge to butcher men and replace them all with artificial insemination. Bear in mind that all but one of the following quotes is from the very first page:
- “To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo.”
- “the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion,”
- “Every man, deep down, knows he’s a worthless piece of shit.”
- “The male is a biological accident”
- “He [“the male”] is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between humans and apes”
That should give you a small inkling of her hatred. If you would like to read more, here are some choice quotes. Or you can delve in and read the full manifesto. It’s also worth noting she has widespread Feminist support, even now. National Organization for Women (NOW) leader Ti-Grace Atkinson dubbed Valerie “the first outstanding champion of women’s rights” and “a heroine of the feminist movement”. She even went as far as to smuggle a manuscript out of Valerie’s mental hospital – right after she shot and almost killed Andy Warhol – crippling him and contributing to his early death. (He didn’t like one of her painfully disgusting plays and refused to help her perform it). Florynce_Kennedy, Valerie’s famous lawyer (and another feminist activist for NOW), also called her “one of the most important spokeswomen of the feminist movement.” And that’s before we get into the glowing reviews of her book by the media – including by famed Guardian Writer Julie Bindel. So, no, she’s no just some dotty lady writing mad and hateful things. She’s an influential feminist celebrity, and her book is read in Gender Studies classes.
Emily McCombs, Deputy Editor at Huffington Post Personal

Ms Emily McCombs has a new years resolution – to kill all men. Yes, all of them. Of course, she doesn’t have the army to do it – but in a world where the president of the USA can get knocked off twitter, it’s a bit shocking that she hasn’t been.
She’s still an editor there, by the way. No firing. No consequences. Weird, huh? What do you think would happen if a prominent male news editor started saying #KillAllWomen? He’d be lucky if he could get a job cleaning toilets, is what.
Clementine Ford
Clementine Ford is an Australian author and journalist known for her absolute seething hatred of males. Including her own son. “Have you killed any men today… if not, why not?” is the kind of thing she likes to write when signing her latest book. She also famously said Coronavirus wasn’t “killing men fast enough” in May 202 – right at the height of the pandemic, when it was first revealed most Covid deaths were men.
She’s also well known for saying things like “all men must die” on Twitter, which resulted in a campaign to have her removed as a speaker for Lifeline. Lifeline being a charity dedicated to, among other things, preventing sufferers of Domestic Violence from killing themselves.
And There You Have It
The truth is that most men would hardly dream of saying something so hateful as “we should kill all women”. And they don’t want women to die. That is because men don’t hate or fear women. And we don’t want to start doing so now. We don’t want to fall into the exact trap we describe. Instead, we want to reach out to Feminists and ask them to self-police academics who call for genocide. We want them to speak out. To decry these academics and strip them of their status in the movement until they honestly repent. Don’t let them get away with it! It is everybody’s job to speak up and shoot down this rhetoric, instead of dismissing or justifying it. Yes, even if you think it’s a joke or an empty threat because it may become more and more serious. So stop it now, before you get called a traitor for speaking up. And do it for true equality, not hate. Do it for the unity of the human race.
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