This is a list comprising citations directly related to Men’s Rights and organised by topic. It is provided as a handy resource for anyone seeking to know more. If you have any suggestions, additional citations – or have spotted a broken link – please send us a comment or message us via the contact page. Some links are in multiple categories. Categories may move locations as we better organise the list.
Note: If categories do not open, they may still be loading (this page contains a lot of data).
Citations List Sub-Pages:
Crime & The Justice System
- (2023) (Study) 96% of people shot by the police are men. (Original)
- (Study) Men are convicted 2x as often, and get 63% harsher sentences for the same crimes. (Original)
- (2019) (Study) Women have been given leniency in sentencing and conviction for over TWO HUNDRED YEARS. (Original)
- (Study – List) A huge number of studies related to sentencing disparity. (Original)
- Crime is ‘more excusable’ when a woman does it, and men are judged more harshly for the same actions. (Original)
Laws & Government Policy
- (2010) (Article) UK Judges told: ‘be more lenient to women criminals’. Feminists campaign for this. Rape is defined as a crime only men can commit. There is a lesser ‘sex without consent’ law aimed at female rapists, however this neatly keeps men out of rape stats. (Original)
- (Legal Guide) New Zealand law explicitly treats men assaulting women as more serious, resulting in more jail time. Rape is defined as a crime only men can commit. (Original)
- (2018) (Article) “In Belarus, you cannot sentence a woman to death — this is the law. But it is women who suffer most from death sentences.” (Original)
- ‘Battered Woman Syndrome’ is just a ‘Get Out Of Jail Free Card’ for women who kill their partners in cold blood. (Original)
- Prison to be abolished for women in the UK…. and only for women. (Original)
- “something unique to female perpetrators. They can always claim that their male victims abused them, regardless of the victim’s age, and have a reasonable chance of being believed.” (Original)
- Women ‘overlooked’ as possible child abusers. (Original)
- (2018) (Article) Court says ‘pedophilia does not apply’ — because perpetrator is a woman. (Original)
This section intends to prove that ideologues have biased the police against men, and spent decades trying to hide and silence all conversation on male victims of Domestic Violence.
- Fraud in Feminist Domestic Violence statistics and the Duluth Model (academic lecture).
- 40 Years of Lies about Domestic Violence. (Original)
- A feminist scholarly paper basically admitting feminist concealment of facts related to women perpetrating DV. (LINK TO PAPER)
- Critique of the Duluth Model. (Original)
- (VIDEO) Dr. Strauss, expert on Domestic Violence, explains how male victims are ignored & covered up. (Original)
- Focusing on gender is a mistake. The real causes are poverty, addiction, and so on. (Original Paywalled)
- Deadly lie about what causes domestic violence | Feminists would rather abuse people talking about the real causes of DV than admit their gendered, man-hating narrative is false. (Original)
- Article claims that dads need more support in order to sugar-coat the claim they “pose the biggest risk to babies’ lives”. In actual fact, mothers are the majority of all child killers and abusers. Second are her new boyfriends. The dad is the least likely to abuse. (Original)
Child Abuse
- (2021) (Study) Child Maltreatment 2021. (Original)
- 38.0% of child abuse victims are maltreated by the mother acting alone, and 23.9% by the father acting alone. (PAGES 23-24)
- 59.4% of child abuse fatalities were boys. (PAGE 54)
- 29.5% were killed by the mother alone. 11.0% killed by a mother and nonparent. 13.5% were killed by the father alone. 1.9% by the father & a nonparent (often a woman).
- (2020) (Study) Child Maltreatment 2020. (Original)
- 37.6% of child abuse victims are maltreated by a mother acting alone, 23.6% by a father acting alone, and 20.7% by both parents. (PAGE 27)
- 60.1% of child abuse fatalities were boys. (PAGE 56)
- 29.1% killed by mother alone. 9.6% by mother and nonparent. 14.3% killed by father alone. Father and Nonparent 2.1%. (PAGE 63)
- (2019) (Study) Child Maltreatment 2019. (Original)
- 39.0% of maltreated by a mother acting alone, 22.6% by a father acting alone, and 21.0% by both parents. (PAGES 23-24)
- 58.3% of child abuse fatalities were boys. (PAGE 55)
- 29.2% killed by the mother alone. 10% by mother & nonparent. 14.2% by the father alone. 1.7% by father and nonparent (PAGE 63)
- (2018) (Study) Child Maltreatment 2018. (Original)
- 39.4% of victims are maltreated by a mother acting alone & 21.5% of victims are maltreated by a father acting alone. (PAGE 37)
- 57.6% of child abuse fatalities were boys. (PAGE 47)
- 39.4% killed by the mother alone. 7.1% by mother & nonparent. 21.5% by the father alone. 1.3% by father and nonparent (PAGE 44)
Frequency of Abuse
- (2023) (Article) Lesbian domestic violence proves it’s not just a male problem. (Original)
- (2020) (Article) UK cases of domestic abuse by females are increasing at twice the rate of men’s abuse. (Original)
- (2018) (Study) Teen dating: Boys report being victims of violence MORE than girls. (Original)
- (2014) (Study) HUGE meta-study demonstrating that women are just a violent as men – or more so. (Original)
- (2009) (Article) Washington Times summarising the Domestic Violence situation against men & 200 studies showing violence is 50/50. (Original)
- (2009) (Study) Intimate Terrorism: Women are more likely to be the abusive partner, and will be abusive more often. (Original)
- (2006) (Study) Harvard: 70 percent of domestic violence is committed by women against men. (Original)
- Women are more likely to control partners with physical abuse. (Original)
- “The majority of men in the sample reported experiencing controlling behaviour from their female partners. This included behaviour that is often reported from women of their male partners, for example using children as a bargaining tool, manipulating or controlling finances, experiencing being isolated from friends and family” “Many men didn’t feel they could ask for help or support,” “Those who did appeal for support told me the services were more geared more towards helping women and they felt they weren’t taken as seriously.” (Original)
Motives, Methods, & Effects Of Abuse
- New research highlights impact of coercive control against UK men. (Original)
- Violence towards women by men goes directly against their biological programming, and men who abuse or kill women are likely to be mentally divergent. Those who aren’t, are not engaging in Duluth Model Style ‘power and control’ oppression tactics. Instead they are ‘displacing’ their “male intra-sexual aggression”. (Original)
- Men ARRESTED for reporting domestic abuse. (Original)
- BBC experiment with actors “I abused a man in public and no one cared” (Original)
- Why men have nowhere to turn. (Original)
- Men who are abused have nowhere to get help. (Original)
- Until we treat male and female domestic abuse victims the same, we’ll never be rid of it. (Original)
- Double Standards surrounding Domestic Abuse. (Original)
- The Suicide of Earl Silverman after extreme abuse by Feminists. They, of course, deny it. (Original)
- The life and death of the men’s hero Earl Silverman. (Original)
- Researcher: What Happens When Abused Men Call Domestic Violence Hotlines And Shelters? (Original)
- Male domestic abuse victim says that men are scared to come forward. (Original)
- (VIDEO) BBC Social Experiment: What happens when you abuse men/women in public.
- Men who ask for help are laughed at and scorned by Domestic Violence services designed for women. (Original)
Of Children
(For more up to date info, see also: General Abuse Stats)
- (2007) (Study) Parent committing filicide – Mother – 67% Father – 33%. (Original)
- (2018) (Study) 57% of all abuse victims who die are boys. (PAGE 62) (Original)
- (2012) (Article) Children are most often killed by their mothers. (Original)
- (1994) (Study) 55% of children murdered by a parent were killed by their mother. Women represented 41% of spouse killers overall, and half of spouse killers in black relationships. (Original)
Of Adults
- More men than women die as a result of Domestic violence when you include DV related suicide. (Original)
- (2023) (Article) A woman kills her husband every 32 hours in India. That’s 5.25 husbands PER WEEK. Ironically, the article says “While India remains a patriarchal society, the country’s law lacks specified clauses to protect men from violence by their partners.” (Original)
- (2004) (Article) Female murderers prefer to poison people and use other subtle means. (Original)
- (2018) (Study) Roughly half of all people killed by a family member were male in Australia. (Original missing)
- (2012) (Article) Women who killed husbands ‘rarely gave a warning,’ and most weren’t abused, study finds. Murders of men rarely pursued by the police. (Original)
Motives, Methods, & Means
- (2018) “Women are more likely to kill when they are motivated by gain” “Homicide of a male partner is not always motivated by a history of domestic abuse” “Females were also more likely to hire contract killers.” (Original)
- (2014) “As is well-known, wives tend to murder either by proxy – a lover, male friend, male relative or hired ‘hit-man’ — or by subterfuge (classically by disguised poisoning or contrived accident); in both cases in effect assisted by pro-female/anti-male prejudice allaying suspicion. The subterfuge often will be successful, but even when detected, the third-party cases are recorded either as being both perpetrated and instigated by the third-party male, or – and even if the wife is found to be implicated –as a ‘multiple-offender’ killing without reference to a wife.” (page 27) (Original)
- (2012) “Women who killed husbands ‘rarely gave a warning,’ and most weren’t abused.” “barely a quarter of husband-killers are victims of domestic abuse, less than half suffer from any identified psychological problem, and fewer still have had trouble with police” (Original)
- (2010) Indirect killing: “suicide can be attributed to domestic violence incidents” “When domestic violence‐related suicides are combined with domestic violence homicides, the total numbers of domestic violence‐related deaths are higher for males than females.” (Original)
Serial Killers
Parental Alienation is a “serious form of child psychological abuse” (Original) where one parent teaches a child to reject, hate, fear, or attack other parent for “illogical, untrue, or exaggerated reasons.” (Original) If you suspect Parental Alienation, here is a guide for parents & concerned friends: What is Parental Alienation, and how to spot it (Original) Parental Alienation is a new field, but has quickly gained verifiable scientific recognition. (Original)
How Frequent Is Parental Alienation?
- (2023) (Paper) The majority of alienating parents were mothers (64.4%) Note: you need to (Original)
- (2019) (Study) 39.1% of parents in the US are the non-reciprocating targets of parental alienating behaviors, which is over 22 million parents and confirms previous estimates. Of these, 6.7% of the parents had children who were moderately to severely alienated, which is at least 1.3% of the US population. Alienated parents also had high levels of depression, trauma symptoms, and risk for suicide. (Original)
- (2018) (Clinical Review) “29% of children from divorced homes as being alienated from a parent to some extent” Between 5% and 42% of parents report doing at least one alienating behaviour themselves.
Are Parents Who Claim Parental Alienation Committing DARVO?
(2023) (Paper) “One argument that has been raised by critics of PA scholarship is that mothers who are found to have alienated their children are just trying to “protect” them from abusive fathers” however, only 7.1% alienated parents had any “founded or substantiated” allegation of abuse against them. “Alienating mothers’ claims of abuse against known “abusive” alienated fathers were not being discredited more often than they were for alienating fathers.” The majority of alienating parents were mothers (64.4%) (Original)
Long Term Effects
- (2022) (Study) Research suggests parental alienation “can have a profound impact on the mental health of those children later in life, including experiencing anxiety disorders and trauma reactions.” (Original)
How Does It Manifest?
- Telling the child the target parent “doesn’t love you anymore, or want to talk to you”.
- Screening calls. Destroying letters & gifts sent to the child.
- Creating an environment of terror, in which the target parent is built up as a massive threat. They are said to have ‘gone crazy’ and ‘want to hurt or kill’ the child or the non-target ‘good’ parent.
- Bribing, spoiling, and fattening up the child with brownies & sweets – while telling them the other parent is being mean & spiteful for making them diet.
Stats & Studies
- (2021) (Studies) 88% of child abuse allegations lodged in family court are fake. At least 20% are malicious. Malicious complaints were deemed roughly TWICE as common as real ones, and NONE of the women making malicious accusations were prosecuted. And this has been going on for thirty years. (Original) || (The Study) (Original)
- (2020) (Article) Survey Confirms Unfairness of Campus Title IX on Due Process. (Original)
- (2019) (Article) Extreme bias towards women in Title IX hearings. Stats are on the page. (Original)
- (2018) (Article) “False reports happen, they are, for lack of a better word, common.” Pentagon reports show annual rates of false accusations averaging 18% in since 2009 (Original)
- (2013) (Article) False abuse claims by mothers are the new weapon of choice in court, retiring judge says. (Original)
- Since 1989, 330 people in 37 American states have been exonerated through post-conviction DNA testing. (Original)
- (2006) (Article) The true figure of False Accusations, once you add in men who are exonerated, is about 25%-26%. In other words, one in four. (Original)
- (1994) Small study found 41% of rape accusations are false. (Original)
The Notorious “Only 2% of Rapes Are False” Claim.
- (2015) (Article) “That ‘Only 2 to 8 Percent of Rape Accusations Are False’ Stat Is Extremely Misleading” (Original)
- (2000) (Journal) The Truth behind Feminism’s “Two Percent False Rape Claim” Figure. Edward Greer (Original)
‘Rape On False Promise Of Marriage’
This is a bizarre Indian law that states that a man is retroactively considered a rapist if he has fully consensual sex with a woman but then refuses to marry her. (Original) In theory, this is because she only slept with him because he said he would marry her. In practice, literally any sexual encounter can be classed as rape after a messy breakup – the courts literally just take her word for it. This has lead to some women threatening to accuse a man of doing this to her in order to force him into marriage. BBC Article explaining the crime. (Original)
- Cases of ‘rape on false promise of marriage’ make up over half of all rapes (of women) in India (See page 213). This gives the impression that actual rape (of women) in India is twice what it really is. Meanwhile, rape of males by females is not acknowledged under the law. (Original)
- Men Were Lynched Because of False Sexual Allegations. (Original)
- Lynching Victim Is Cleared of Rape, 100 Years Later. (Original)
- The 1906 Atlanta Massacre started with a newspaper reporting the rape of four white women. (Original)
- The Rosewood Race Massacre was started by accusations that a white girl was raped by a black man. The black town of Rosewood was utterly destroyed by the riot, and the death toll may have been as high as 150. (Original)
- Emmett Till was a black boy who was accused of sexual impropriety by a white girl called ‘Bryant‘ after he supposedly flirted with her. Later on, Bryant admitted that she lied. (Original)
- (2023) Man who spent 17 years in jail for false conviction freed. Final insult: They’re going to deduct ‘rent’ for his JAIL CELL from his compensation settlement! Poor man is now battling to rebuild his shattered life. Terrified to even hug women in case it happens again. (Original)
- (2018) The UK Justice System is based against men. (Original)
- (2017) #BelieveAllWomen happened before – during the age of lynching black men. (Original)
- (2016) The feminising of justice that makes it hard for men charged with rape to get a fair trial, writes human rights lawyer BARBARA HEWSON. (Original)
- Feminists in Spain have taken over the Justice system and removed the need for evidence in criminal trials where a man is accused by a woman. (VIDEO)
- Article about how Spanish law has wrecked the courts. (Original)
- PHD Thesis on Spanish law being against human rights for men. (Original)
- India: Supreme Court will take victim’s word in rape cases. (Original)
Forced Fatherhood
- The ‘Spermjacking’ scam that forces men to father children unwillingly and unknowingly is way more common than anyone thinks. (Original)
Forced Marriage
- UN study on child grooms estimates there are 115 million worldwide. (Original)
- Men are abducted for forced marriage en masse in India (Original)
Revenge Porn
- Most revenge porn attacks carried out by women. (Original)
- Men and women are equally likely to be victims of revenge porn attacks. (Original)
- 90% of male revenge porn victims are also blackmailed, but the police just don’t care. (Original)
Sexual Assault & Harassment
- Men wearing kilts routinely molested by women. (Original)
- Women in power also sexually harass people. (Original)
Homophobic Attempts To Link Being Gay To Being A Pedo
Note: Since women cannot be charged with rape in most places, the only form of rape a boy will not be stigmatised for reporting is male on male. Therefore it is very likely that the stats massively overestimate the ratio of gay pedophiles to straight ones.
A guide for men who have been raped. (Original)
Consequences For Men And Boys Who Are Raped
- (2005) (Study) Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Gender of Victim. (Original)
- (2004) (Study) The Long-Term Effects of Child Sexual Abuse by Female Perpetrators: A Qualitative Study. (Original)
- (1998) (Study) The Sexual Abuse of Boys. (Original)
Paedophile Teachers
- (2024) (Article) The alarming rate of teachers charged with raping young boys in America Notice that it calls them ‘cougars’ and not ‘paedophiles’, the way it would if they were male. (Original)
Injustice in the Law & Title IX
- (2019) (Article) These Men Say Women Raped Them. But The Law Does Not Agree. (Original)
- (2019) (Article) Extreme bias tin favour of women in Title IX hearings. (Original)
- (2014) (Article) Boy forced to pay $15000 child support to his rapist. (Original)
- (Reddit list) A state by state list of rape laws, indicating specifically which include made-to-penetrate and which don’t. it’s a better argument than the oft cited FBI definition.
Reporting By Men Is Limited
- (2016) (Article) “Overall researchers also found men were more reluctant to report abuse by a woman.” This helps create the myth that men aren’t raped by women. (Original)
- (2005) (Study) Male victims suffer ‘recall bias’ that makes them more likely to minimise or dismiss their own victimhood as time goes on. (Original)
Sickening Examples
- German authorities conduced a sick thirty-year ‘experiment’ on young boys (and only boys) by deliberately housing them with KNOWN paedophiles in the hope that the ‘sexual relationship’ would cause a strong pair-bond. In reality, the boys were raped, tortured, and abused for years – and at least one was murdered. (Original) || Citation 2 (Original) || Citation 3 (Original)
- Research on boys being raped in Afghanistan due to bacha bazi. (Original)
- Former Disney employee talks about how women would openly grope male cast members, particularly ones playing Tarzan or similarly muscular/attractive men. “Disney warned us we were going to have a lot of horny women coming on to us. They were also worried about girls.” (Original)
Gang Rape
- (CONTENT WARNING) What It Was Like Being Raised By A Convicted Female Sex-Offender (Our Stories)
- (CONTENT WARNING) Man Is raped In Broad Daylight by a woman. Crowd films It while cheering on the rapist. (Original)
- Three women ‘raped man, 23, for THREE days’ after kidnapping man in a taxi and force-feeding him energy drinks in South Africa (Original)
- “Sexual Molestation of Men by Women” – the story in ‘Case 1’ features a man who was kidnapped and gang-raped by multiple women. (Original)
How Many Men And Boys Are Raped Or Abused
- Nearly half of all African boys claim to have been raped. (Original)
- More young boys are forced into prostitution than girls. (Original)
- Female teachers: the sexual abusers nobody suspects. (Original)
- Federal surveys detect a high prevalence of sexual victimisation among men- often similar to the prevalence found among women. (Original)
- Sexual victimisation perpetrated by women: Federal data reveal surprising prevalence. (Original)
- Sexual victimisation of men in America – challenging assumptions. (Original)
- The Silent Victims: A Hidden World Where Boys Are Trafficked. (Original)
- Number of boys who are molested continues to rise; experts say some victims struggle to report cases. (Original)
- (Small study) Sexual assault and rape of males is equal to that experienced by females. (Original)
- 43% of young men have had ‘unwanted sex’. 18% were physically forced, and 31% said they were verbally coerced sex. 95% say a female acquaintance was the aggressor. (Original) || Alternative Source. (Original)
- Women also sexually abuse children, but their reasons often differ from men’s. (Original)
- CDC Twelve Month Stats show men are equally at risk as women of rape and sexual assault if you add ‘Made To Penetrate’ to ‘Rape’ to get the total for men. In each of these years when the CDC collected data, when asked about experiences in the last 12 months, men reported being “made to penetrate” -either by physical force or due to intoxication – at virtually the same rates as women reported rape (defined in the study as forced penetration).
- NISVS 2015 showed that in the past 12 months: 1,715,000 males were made to penetrate, and 219,000 were penetrated; a total of 1,934,000 (Table 3.5). This is actually a good deal more than the 1,473,000 women raped via penetration by a male (Table 3.1). (Original)
- NISVS 2012 showed that in the past 12 months, 1.7% of men (or an estimated 1,957,000 men) were made to penetrate and 1.0% of women (or an estimated 1,217,000 women) were raped. In each of the years the case count for male rape victims and female victims of made-to-penetrate were too small to provide a statistically reliable prevalence estimate. You can see that the estimated numbers of male victims of made to penetrate each year look very similar to the estimated numbers of female victims of rape (again, defined specifically as forced penetration). So if made to penetrate happens about as often as rape each year then by most people’s assumed definition of rape (forced sex) then men are approximately half of rape victims. This was certainly true in in the 2010 and 2011 reports, and in the 2012 report, they were MORE than half of rape victims. You can see the above examples in the 2010-2012 report. (Original)
- NISVS 2011 showed that in the past 12 months, 1.7% of men (or an estimated 1,921,000 men) were made to penetrate and 1.6% of women (or an estimated 1,929,000 women) were raped.
- NISVS 2010 showed that in the past 12 months, 1.1% of men (or an estimated 1,267,000 men) were made to penetrate and 1.1% of women (or an estimated 1,270,000 women) were raped. (Original)
- APA finds rape not uncommon for men. (Original)
- (OLD. Not Verified) 90-95% of all male rape victims do not report being raped. (Original)
- 42% percent of Iraqi men report being sexually assaulted (more than women at 32%) and 45% were harassed. Women reported more harassment in most other countries, but men reported quite high levels of abuse. (Original)
- (1998) (Study) Harvard: Women admit to coercing or forcing men into sex. “26% to 36% of the women reported engaging in strategies traditionally defined as abusive. These strategies are: using your position of power or authority, getting him drunk or drugged…. 20% of the women reported using physical force, 27% the threat of physical force, and 9% used a weapon….” (Original)
Empathy Gap / Gamma Bias
The Empathy Gap is the direct root-cause of most male issues. This is due to Gamma Bias – the minimization of bad things that happen to men, and the highlighting of female victimhood.
Studies & Papers
- (2022) (Metastudy) Evidence shows that humans have a pro-women/anti-men bias. This bias is stronger than class bias, and far stronger than race bias. (Original)
- (2018) (Study) (PDF) Study with millions of participants covering 233 countries finds people would MUCH rather you run over and kill a young man than a woman. “males are seen as more expendable” The preference even extends to children, with people preferring to kill young boys rather than young girls. The experiment note that this difference is more stark in countries where female comfort is higher. (Original) (Download PDF)
- (2018) (Study) Misogyny has no scientific basis of any kind: the evidence is of bias TOWARDS women – known as philogyny. (Backup of original) —— (Abstract version) (Original of abstract version)
- (2018) (Study) Empathy gap is very severe in medical professionals dealing with sex. Male sexuality is demonized way more than female sexuality, and this extends to paraphilias (pedos, etc), which are seen as dangerous in men way more frequently than in women. Male medical professionals show no solidarity towards men, but demonstrate gynocentric attitudes. Female practitioners exhibit solidarity towards women, and no special sympathy to men. (Original)
- (2016) (Study) Men ‘more likely to be sacrificed for the benefit of others’ than women (Original)
- (2016) (Study) The media obsession with female victims has lead to academics dub “Missing White Woman Syndrome”. (Original)
- (2004) (Study) Women are nearly five times more likely to show an automatic preference for their own gender than men are to show such favoritism for their own gender. Men also have a strong bias towards women. (Original)
- (2018) (Study) White women are favoured in the rental market over men – especially minority men. (Original)
- (2004) (Study) Women have a far stronger bias for other women than men do for other men. (Original)
- Gendered White Lies: women are given more positive feedback, and men are given more negative feedback. (Original)
- (2018) (Video) BBC Social Experiment: What happens when you abuse men/women in public.
- (2018) (Thesis) Men treating women the same way as women treat men is seen as sexist (Original)
- (2019) (Study) Global study suggests men face more discrimination than women. (Original)
- (2019) (Academic Article) Gamma bias explained. (Original)
- (2008) (Book) “Gender Inclusive: Essays on violence, men, and feminist international relations by Professor Adam Jones” Is apparently a study of how genocides specifically target men and boys, but we have yet to track down a full copy.
- “Gendercide and Genocide” also by Professor Adam Jones seems to have some of the same, but is broader.
Articles and Videos Discussing The Empathy Gap
- Warren Farrel explains the empathy gap. (Original)
- If we care about unarmed black men being shot by the police, we should care about marginalised black dads too. (Original)
- The Myth of Pervasive Misogyny – AKA, how society actually loves and cherishes women, and that’s why it hates the idea of hatred of women. Conversely, humans see little problem with hatred against men…. (Original)
- Male domestic violence survivors say they feel the Depp-Heard trial is a turning point. (Original)
Empathy & Conformity of Each Gender
- (1972) Women in an experiment were more likely than men to obey an authority figure telling them to torture puppies. 54% men were willing to give the puppy the maximum allowable shock, while all of the women did it. (Original)
Genocides Specifically Target Men
The Global Justice Centre states that killers during genocides almost exclusively target men and boys. Which makes it strange that all the photos in their PDF are of women. Their claim that “In particular, the violence directed at women and girls during genocide is fed by existing misogynistic attitudes in society” implies the paper is trying to shift the focus onto women instead of allowing the evidence to speak for itself. (Original)
Since the majority of genocides specifically (and almost exclusively) target boys and men, this is essentially just a list of genocides. Aid workers from organisations like the UN will typically only give food, shelter, aid, and evacuation to females – and will either ignore men and boys, or treat them with with hostility. Boys and men are removed from crowds seeking help and excluded. Notable examples include:
Bosnian Genocide in Srebrenica – over 8000 boys and men killed by the Serbian Army in July 1995
One of the worst genocides since World War II. (Archive) Women, children under 15, and the elderly were saved by UN aid workers, who swept in to evacuate them – excluding boys over 15 and men under 60 entirely. (Original) (FULL SOURCE) The UN then spectacularly failed in its duty to protect the ‘safe zone’ of Srebrenica – opting instead to run away and leave the boys and men to fend for themselves. (Original) In other words – not only did the rescuers exclude boys and men from being saved, the killers targeted only men and boys. This means aid workers were complicit in their annihilation. (Original) The UN also knew this was going to happen two years in advance, and planned for it. (Original) The UK and USA also knew that the area would fall at least six weeks before it did. (Original) International Relations Expert Paula Drummond found that gender policies in the UN only mentioned the mass slaughter of men in the context of it being inconvenient to women. Quote from the UN ‘Gender Mainstreaming Policies’: “resulting scarcity of men leads to more insecurity for households that consist of only adult women.” Four years after the Srebrenica genocide, a UN meeting decided again that women and children were the only ones worthy of their support. Another source on the UN failures. (Original)
Kosovo Genocide
Human Rights Watch found that 92% of 3453 execution-style killings were of males. (Original) This only includes cases where the gender was identifiable, so it’s possible that the real figure may swing higher. Of the few whose ages were known, a large percentage were children. Most were under thirty years of age, and many were under twenty.
Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan Government puts the number of genocide victims at 1.07 million, 66% of whom are male. That’s 706,200 men and boys in total. (Original) Because of this, bizarrely, feminists hold Rwanda up as a ‘paragon’ of gender equality. (Original) Notice how they frame the killings vs the rapes in that last source. “800,000 Rwandans were killed and roughly 350,000 women were raped”. In other words: they focus on women for one, but exclude men from the other. It’s also interesting that they call a “gendered” domestic violence law “equal”.
Articles About The Bias
- “It’s very bad time to be a man – there is hostility everywhere” says Matt O’Connor. (Original)
Biased Articles
- Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard – Major newspapers still defending Amber Heard after she admitted to abusing Johnny Depp. (Original) They make it sound as if she were the one making credible accusations, and he were the one defending. This is pretty common to articles about the case. During Depp’s lawsuit in America, this ramped up – with many outlets simply quoting Amber and her experts as if what they said was fact. When Depp won the trial this (predictably) turned into outlets saying that the verdict was an attack on all women. This is despite the fact that Amber committed perjury and was clearly lying throughout the case. (Original) And all the evidence was on Depp’s side.
Laws, Charities, & Government Policy
- (2018) “In Belarus, you cannot sentence a woman to death — this is the law. But it is women who suffer most from death sentences.” (Original)
- (2020) Men were explicitly denied care by the controversial NHS ‘Covid Support’ scheme during the Pandemic. The scheme ranked patients to determine if they were worthy of saving. The more ‘morbidity points’ you got under the scheme the less priority you were given. Women were automatically prioritised under the scheme, which gave them an automatic -1 to this ‘death score’. (Original) Most papers reporting on the scheme did not mention this. Examples:
- This article contains images of the score-card, but makes no mention of the sexism. You have to zoom in on the blue box on the score-sheet itself to see it. (Original)
- This article refers to ‘Ageism’, but makes no reference to gender, despite directly linking directly to the tool. (Original)
- The Duluth Model in general – which states that men cannot be victims, and women cannot be perpetrators.
- German authorities conduced a sick thirty-year ‘experiment’ on young boys (and only boys) by deliberately housing them with KNOWN paedophiles in the hope that the ‘sexual relationship’ would cause a strong pair-bond. In reality, the boys were raped, tortured, and abused for years – and at least one was murdered. (Original) || Citation 2 (Original) || Citation 3 (Original)
- The Domestic Violence Charity ‘Refuge’ calling for gendered laws on Domestic Violence that exclude men. (Original) (Screenshot) Further to that, look at how they talk about Mother’s day vs how they talk about Father’s Day. In particular, take a look at this tweet on Father’s Day.
Media Bias
- (2020) Sneaky and manipulative CNN article on the Japanese suicide crisis tries to make it sound like women are worst hit even though nearly twice as many men are killing themselves. They do this by relying on stat saying that female suicide is increasing more than male suicide under Covid19. The problem is that even if this were true, it would not mean women were most hit. A 20% increase in male suicide is a lot more than a 83% for the gender that normally only makes up 20% of all suicides worldwide. (Original)
Public Statements & Events
- (VIDEO) Guy defends himself from a girl, so the whole school gangs up on him
- (VIDEO) Girl bullies boy, but nobody intervenes. Boy finally defends himself, and everyone acts like he did wrong. Even he feels like he was in the wrong. He then gets suspended and she probably gets let off. (Original)
- “For an officer to sit there and put his knee in my neck, the same reason people are protesting nearby in the first place because of what happened to George Floyd, I think it’s all related,” Wright said. “And I want justice, they should know not to do that, especially not to women. They handled me like I was a man, like I was some type of animal or something.” (Original)
- (VIDEO) Karen Straughan explains toxic masculinity.
- In Mexico the media focus is on women, but more men are murdered. (Original)
- A huge number of feminists are trying to make the Covid19 crisis all about women, even though the virus mainly kills men. For example:
- ‘New research’ shows “Women’s well-being more adversely affected by Covid-19” due to ‘lower life satisfaction. Weird way to say ‘men too dead to fill out survey’ (Original)
- COVID-19 to cost Australia $170 billion and women will bear the brunt. Are less men losing jobs because more men are dead? (Original)
- College women looking to date say that a man’s minimum earnings must be 70% above that of all other men. Men are happy if she scrapes above 40% of other women. (TEXTBOOK)
- ‘Foodie Call:’ 23-33% of women admit they go out with men just for a free meal. (Original)
- “A ruler’s most important political move is courting women and talking their language. He knows that once he has the women with him, he will get the men automatically.” Esther Vilar, The Polygamous Sex, p.57
Social Issues
- 81 out of 83 (98%) of 2020 bravery award recipients were men. A reminder of the danger men put themselves in to protect their loved ones and their communities. (Original)
- 61% of American soldiers who died in Vietnam were younger than twenty one, and 11,465 were under twenty. This means that much of the conscript slave-army sent to die there wasn’t even old enough to drink. (Original)
- Valerie Solanas, feminist, attempts to assassinate Andy Warhol. (Original)
- Men forced to accept responsibility for wife’s crimes in UK and Australia (Original UK) (Original Aus)
- Romans killed both male and female babies. (Original)
- Famous serial killer kills hundreds with makeup. (Original)
- Women supported Hitler and voted him into power. (Original)
- The role of women in lynch mobs. (Original)
Family, Marriage, Children, & Life
- (2020) Having an active father increases a child’s empathy, social skills, and their ability to postpone gratification. (Original)
- (2019) Men do more total work in the household, when all chores are taken into account. (Original)
- (2019) Psychoanalyst says: “Kids Need Both Parents“. (Original)
- (2019) It’s mothers, not fathers, who teach their child ‘boys don’t cry’. (Original) || (Archive of study) (Original)
Corporal Punishment
Where Corporal Punishment it legal, it is often illegal to inflict it on girls. The majority of corporal punishment is always against boys, regardless.
- (2016) (Study) In U.S. public schools, boys are FIVE TIMES more times to be subject to school corporal punishment than girls. A review of several thousand cases in Florida found that 82% of students who received corporal punishment were male. (Original)
- (2021) (Article) Corporal punishment is still widely used in South African schools, more than 20 years after it was outlawed, and mainly targets boys. “Boys are perceived as naughty and mischievous compared to girls, which explains why they are more likely to experience (corporal punishment),” (Original)
- (Historical) (Article) Workhouse rules stipulated that girls could not suffer corporal punishment….. but boys could. (Original)
Rough Play
- (2012) (Small study) Boys benefit from rough play, and it helps to teach them how to engage socially without being violent. The more time the father spent with his child, the less aggressive his child was. The more dominant the father was during play interactions, the less aggressive the child was in general. (Original)
Forcibly ‘Transitioning’ Boys To Girls
Dating is an incredibly expensive, time consuming, and often soul-destroying experience for men. It’s like applying for a job where you are the one who has to pay your boss’s wages, and they are free to punch you in the face at will.
Men Are Expected To “Serve” Women, And Women Like To Train Men Like Dogs
- “Sorry, women – you’re probably going to have to teach your man how to be a ‘good boyfriend’” Incredibly patronising article that literally calls men “untrained puppies”, and implies women are put out by the fact their man doesn’t arrive as an already brainwashed simp. (Original)
“Men Are Meal Tickets”
- (2019) (Article) “A third of women only date men because of the free food” (Original)
- “People Need to Chill the About Women Getting ‘Free Food’ on Dates” claims condescending feminist article. Choice quotes include: “Some see splitting the check on a date as the feminist thing to do. Not me. My paying for a meal doesn’t solve gender inequality — it just means I have less money in my wallet.” (Original)
Child Custody
- (2007) (Study) When parents dispute custody via mediation, mothers win primary custody 83.1% of the time. In lawyer negotiated settlements, they get it 69.5% of the time. In litigated settlements, they get it 66.4% of the time. “Fathers, on the other hand, received primary physical custody most often in litigation—in 18.9% of the cases (23/122)—and received primary physical custody least often in mediation (5/83, 6%), compared to 11% in other settlements”. (Original)
Child Support & Alimony
- Men are being used by society for their ability to work, and a locked up when they can’t pay child support. This creates a cycle of debt and prison time. (Original)
- German man ordered to pay child support after ex-wife forges signature for IVF pregnancy. (Original)
Family Courts
- Bias against Fathers in the Family Court is prevalent. (Original)
- 88% of child abuse allegations lodged in family court are fake. At least 20% are malicious. Malicious complaints were deemed roughly TWICE as common as real ones, and NONE of the women making malicious accusations were prosecuted. And this has been going on for thirty years. (Original) || (The Study) (Original)
- False abuse claims by mothers are the new weapon of choice in court, retiring judge says. (Original)
Systemic Teacher Bias
- (2024) (Article) Cambridge University admits that girls dominate education due to bias against boys, while implying the real problem is that girls aren’t beating boys in STEM. (Original)
- (2022) (Study) Marking bias in favour of attractive girls over regular girls is reduced when the marker can’t see their face. This doesn’t mean that girls no longer get their marking bonus, but it is telling. (Original) || (Study Archive) (Study Original)
- (2020) (Article) Education Minister outright states that the marking system will be jury rigged to “preserve girls’ advantage on higher grades, as seen in previous years.” (Original)
- Eliminating anti-male bias from schools eliminates boy’s failing grades, and allows boys to catch up to girls. (Original)
- (2018) (Article) Boys left to fail at school because attempts to help them earn wrath of feminists, says ex-Ucas chief. (Original)
- (2016) (Article) Boys Bear the Brunt of School Discipline – they are punished more often, and more severely for the same exact behaviours. The way schools respond to boys’ behaviours plays a significant role in shaping their educational outcomes years later. (Original)
- (2015) (Article) Large scale national study: women favoured 2:1 over IDENTICAL or even slightly more qualified men in STEM applications. (Original)
- (2015) (Article) BBC: Teachers give higher marks to girls for the same work. (Original)
- (2013) (Article) Boys being allowed to fail at school. (Original)
- (2010) (Article) Boys being DELIBERATLY held back by Female Teachers who Discriminate in favour of girls. (Original)
- Christian Hoff Sommers explains how boys are being punished for normal behaviours. (VIDEO)
- Exposé on the systemic academic discrimination against boys. (VIDEO)
Scholarship Bias
- (2019) (Article) 92% of all sex-specific scholarships are reserved for women. (Original)
- HUGE list of stats and articles on how boys are suffering in education.
- Multiple articles about boys failing school, and so on. (Original not found)
- (2016) (Article) Examining the data on why boys do worse at school. (Original)
- Warren Farrell: Boy Crisis TED Talk. (VIDEO)
- Domestic Abuse victimization is correlated with homelessness, addiction, and mental health issues for men. Male victims of IPV were 3.55 times more likely to have experienced homelessness, compared to males who were not victims. Male identified individuals were nearly two times more likely to state they would attend a “men’s domestic violence shelter” as opposed to attending a gender-neutral “domestic violence shelter.” This indicates a stigma that males attach to their victimization. Despite similar rates of reported victimization, only 30% of male respondents identified as victims, whereas 59% of female respondents identified as victims. The research found a strong correlation between male victims of IPV and homelessness, addictions, and mental health issues. (Original)
- Autistic men are the ‘other’ hidden homeless. (Original)
General Physical Health
- Parents prefer to feed girls when the family is starving, leading to more boys with stunted growth. (Original)
- “Men have worse health outcomes than women, but only women have national offices dedicated to promoting their health.” (Original)
Prostate Cancer
- Men die earlier but women’s health gets four times more funding, says Prostate Cancer Foundation Of New Zealand. (Original)
- 93% of workplace deaths were men in 2015. “From 2011 through 2015, men accounted for 92.5% of all workplace deaths.” (Original)
Mental Health
- Anxiety Looks Different in Men. Instead of coming across as nervousness or worry, anxiety in men often appears as anger, muscle aches or alcohol use—leading many men to go undiagnosed. (Original)
- 14 Major Indicators of Depression in Men (Original)
- Study Shows Men Still Feel Judged When They Talk About Their Feelings. (Original)
- (Largest‐ever mega‐analysis) This analysis shows that men are given to a far wider variety of brain variation – which is both good and bad for men. (Original)
- DEBUNKING the Feminist claim that ‘women attempt to commit suicide more’. It turns out most attempts by women are just “suicidal gestures”. Most serious attempts are almost always by men. (Original)
- DEBUNKING the Myth That Men Don’t Seek Help. (Original)
- Men don’t just use ‘more lethal methods’. Even when looking only at the supposedly ‘less lethal’ ‘female’ methods to kill themselves, most of the deaths are men. In other words, men who try to kill themselves actually want to die. (Original)
- “Females were more likely than males to have had (recalled) suicidal thoughts in the past year but not more likely to have made suicide plans or attempted suicide.” (Original)
- Suicide prevention programs are working well for teen girls, but not boys. (Original)
- Being religious is associated with a lower risk of suicide. (Original)
- But being domestically abused is associated with a higher risk. (Original)
- Imprisoned men are 3.7 times more likely to kill themselves. (Original)
- More males than females die from domestic violence when you take both suicide and murder into account. (Original)
- 62% of male suicides cite “relationship issues” (could be a mix of several things, including breakup and abuse) (Original)
- Divorced and separated men are nearly 2.4 times more likely to kill themselves than their married counterparts. (Original)
- Suicide prevention efforts mainly benefit women (who only make up 20% of victims), and often have a NEGATIVE effect on men (the 80%) (Original)
The Men’s Rights Movement
Activism & Victories
- The long and storied history of the NCFM.
- Men starting to sue false #metoo accusers (original)
- List of successful men’s rights actions by parity, a men’s rights charity.
- The Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard libel case in America.
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