This is a sub-section of the main Men’s Rights Citation List dealing specifically with Feminism & Feminist Theory. . It is provided as a handy resource for anyone seeking to know more. If you have any suggestions, additional citations – or have spotted a broken link – please send us a comment or message us via the contact page. Our citations pages are all actively updated on a regular basis, so please check back for more info.
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Academic Fraud & Malicious Pseudoscience
Feminism has an abusive relationship with the truth. Feminist academics have subverted the academic system in order to to manufacture fake evidence & legitimise activist propaganda. This is then cited & legitimised by the press, charities, activist orgs, and Wikipedia. This section is a list of citations organised by the type of fraud, along with explanations of how they pull it off. (See also: Feminist Theory: Debunked)
- Proof of fraud in Feminist Domestic Violence statistics and the Duluth Model (academic lecture).
- A feminist scholarly paper basically admitting feminist concealment of facts related to women perpetrating DV. (LINK TO PAPER)
- Brainwashing and manipulation in Feminist statistics – Redpill Raw Files talk by Harry Crouch.
Feminist academia rellies heavily on coercive language control similar to that used in Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm. Their tactics are largely identical to those of Marxist infiltrators.
Apply Double Standards – this is the favourite trick of Feminists, by far. As such
Invent New Ideological Words – A common Feminist strategy is to create new words meant to manipulate the debate, then plaster them across academia & the media. This legitimises the words, and pushes them into common usage, with the feminist definition as key. Examples include:
- Femicide – is defined as “a hate crime” involving “the intentional killing of women or girls because they are female”. Many feminist go further, claiming ‘Femicide’ is a global genocide specifically targeting women. The goal is to trigger the human instinct to protect women by implying that female deaths are somehow ‘special’ or ‘worse’ and the product of a ‘war on women’. The truth is that the primary target of genocide is men & boys, but the male equivalent is left undefined, and gets zero attention. Male victims of mass killings are the majority, but in these cases women are still focused on. In other words: the word is used to control public & media attention around certain issues.
Redefine Existing Words To Fit Their Narrative – Feminists often redefine words in order to control your perception of reality by controlling language. Classic examples include:
- ‘Sexism’ defined as ‘Prejudice Plus Power’ or ‘Privilege’ – after defining the word this way, they then argue that “men have all the power in society, and women are oppressed. Therefore women cannot commit sexism against men”. The goal here is to give women a free pass to engage in sexism. To debunk this, you need only 1) refer to the dictionary definition of sexism, and 2) debunk their claims of male power and female oppression. (See: Feminist Theory: Debunked)
Inflate victimhood stats for women by combining them with ‘child’ categories -This is done to: 1) steal the empathy we have for the children and give it to adult women, 2) trick the causal reader into thinking the ‘women’ category is larger than it really is, 3) Imply that only a minority of the victims are male, 4) Imply we should ignore males & treat them differently. The trick works by implying women make up the overwhelming majority of the victims without actually, technically, saying this. Worse: it does so by dividing the ‘male’ category in two; adding the child portion to the ‘women’ category. This trick demonstrates casual Feminist sexism and gender stereotyping Women are seen as basically children, and men are treated as either 1) always able to cope or, 2) victimising the women and children. Stats like these always ignore all the men who are dead or forced to stay behind.
- UN crisis report in Afghanistan: “Over 70 per cent of those in need of support are women and children.” So if adult men make up the last 30%, that means women likely make up only 30% of that 70% and the rest are children. So over 70% of those in need are also men and children, and 20% of those added to the woman category are boys! (Original)
Using twisty definitions to sub-divided, shift, or combine categories in order to hide data – This is a very nefarious trick that hides male victims deep in the stats, and will not be detected by most casual readers. Indeed, you often have to read the method very carefully to uncover it. For example:
- Most stats on sexual violence (such as the CDC) define ‘rape’ in a way that excludes male victims and female perps. This artificially neuters rape stats, allowing Feminists to claim that most (or all) rape of men is by other men. Technically they are correct, but only under their own ‘special’ definition of rape. (See: Rape & Sex Crimes, under Feminist Theory for spesific examples)
- This famous & much-cited survey, which claims non-feminists are more hostile to men than feminists, (Original) has been gleefully cited by the same feminist media that regularly engages in open man-hate. (Original) The study, on the surface, seems legitimate – but buried in the method we find that “The definition of feminism in the present study included any reference to equal rights for women, the acknowledgement of inequality between women and men, and the need for social change on behalf of women”. Which neatly shunts Feminist female supremacists into the ‘non-feminist’ category – while including plenty of MRAs, egalitarians, and anti-feminists. The study goes on to exclude definitions of Feminism that “referred to feminists as women who want to be superior to men and “statements such as “feminism is disliking men,” which were coded as inconsistent with the operational definition of feminism. Responses were included as consistent with our operational definition of feminism only if they included some reference to gender equality.” In other words: radical feminists who don’t want equality were counted as ‘non-feminists’, which weighted the results in favour of feminists not being man haters. The headlines also tend not to mention that women were found to be more hostile to men.
Artificially limit male respondents – Often this is done by not even studying men, which created the impression that only women are victims, But the much more subtle tactic is to simply limit the number of men who are studied. This is extremely easy to hide in your data, and allows you to say things like “99% of victims found by the study were women” without lying. This is often done in surveys, and techniques include: 1) only recruiting in places where you know almost everyone will be female, such as a woman’s college. 2) Limit entry to only women, or advertise only to women. For example: putting posters in the women’s toilets or changing rooms only. 3) Only seek male respondents very late on in the study ,limiting participation.
Dirty Activist Tactics
Feminism relies on academic fraud, manipulation, media control, gaslighting, lying, silencing critics, and destroying opponents in order to maintain power.
Silencing Public Criticism
Core Feminist tactics include silencing their opponents as a first resort. Normally through censorship (deplatforming, banning critics, etc), shame (“You hate women!”), reputation damage (“You’re a rapist!”), and so on. The easiest way to see this in action is to go to a Feminist space, such as a r/Feminism on Reddit, and reply to some posts with mild criticism of Feminist rhetoric backed up by studies. You will quickly be insulted and banned.
- Feminists demand government ‘Make it an offense to criticize feminism’. (Original)
- (AUDIO) Mary Koss interview where she tries to justify not including men in rape stats.
- (UNCONFIRMED) Mallory Millett claiming that Marxist Feminists conspired to invade every national institution and subvert it from within. And to use NOW to break American society. AKA the Marxist concept of the ‘Long March Through The Institutions’. (Original)
Group Blame
Feminists typically blame all men for the actions of a microscopic minority of men. This includes literally all rape, murder (of women, only, which they dub ‘Femicide’), wars, and other things women are also guilty of. This kind of group blame/blood guilt is easily refuted by bringing up genocidal feminists, which will cause them to shout that “Feminism is not a monolith”. You can then explain that genders are a lot less monolithic than an ideology mandated by the UN and multiple governments. If that doesn’t work, here are more examples to throw at them:
- Queens typically start more wars than men do, when they are in power. (Original)
- Mothers push gender stereotypes more than fathers. (Original)
- Female Nazis were as bad (or worse) than the male ones. (Original)
- Women are responsible for the majority of child murders. (See: Crime & The Justice System in the Main Citations List)
Feminism Has Been Subverted By Special Interests
- (VIDEO) Proof feminists are mostly patsies: Feminist writers for Cosmo and other magazines for women were told outright to publish abortion rhetoric as part of an attempt to control the Feminist movement. Before this happened, most Feminists did not support abortion. (Note: this site does not hold a position on abortion. We mention this only because it would make for an interesting case study. It’s probable that we can trace other times where this has happened.)
Instilling Paranoia In Girls
- Teaching girls to fear boys | The Spectator Australia. (Censored Article)
Bizarre & Cult-Like Activism
Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard
If any one event represents the Feminist hatred of male domestic abuse victims, and the support of female abusers, it’s the media’s reaction to the fact Johnny Depp was abused by Amber Heard. A fact which is entirely beyond debunking at this point, since she has outright admitted it. Some key examples:
- New York Times says: “Even if (Amber) Heard lied about everything during the trial — even if she’d never suffered domestic abuse — she still would have represented it.“
- Guardian News says the Depp trial was an “Orgy Of Misogyny” purely because they didn’t let the woman win by default. (Original)
- “Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere” because “If the mistreatment of a wealthy blonde haired, blue-eyed white actress is ridiculed by the world, what does that mean for black women?” The assumption being that women never lie, and that black men have a better time in court than black women – which is not true. White men don’t get it as good in court as black women.
- Karen Straughan AKA “Girl Writes What” explains that the Feminists in charge are real Feminists. (Original)
See Also: Empathy Gap / Gamma Bias
Rape Laws
- Feminists fight against equal rape laws in Israel because ‘male rapists might counter-claim that they were raped’. This is a standard (and effective) tactic to ensure male rape victims of women don’t get justice, and it ignores the fact that a real rapist would just claim she slept with him willingly. (Original)
- Feminist groups and feminist lawyer demand that UK juries be abolished in rape cases because they aren’t getting enough rape convictions. Suggests they should be replaced by ‘discrimination panels’. (Original) This idea was instantly debunked by a horrified former juror. It’s worth pointing out that juries were put in place to defend against such things. (Original)
- (Citations) Large feminist organizations ensure laws in Spain are immensely biased, and have taken over the justice system to prevent men from being allowed to defend themselves.
- Activists oppose fair and equal rape laws in India. (Original article not available)
- Activists in India continue to fight against gender neutral rape laws. (Original)
- Feminists scream at Indian government that we can’t have a fair rape law that includes men or the bad men will ‘misuse’ it! (Original)
- (Video) News report on the controversy.
- (Video) Five feminists attack one guy live on air over rape law.
- (EXAMPLE OF THE LAW IN ACTION) Young boy charged with his own rape at the hands of his deviant sister, who forced him to have sex with her under threat of violence until she got pregnant and found out. He was sent to Juvie prison, she was sent to a hospital. (Original) || (More information) (Archive in Hindi)
Domestic Violence
- The Domestic Violence Charity ‘Refuge’ calling for gendered laws on Domestic Violence that exclude men. (Original) (Screenshot)
Parental Alienation
Custody Laws
- Most powerful American feminist organization kills another shared parenting bill: N.O.W.’s crusade against actual gender equality slips into the limelight. (Original)
- NOW fighting against equal custody in Florida. (Original)
The Draft
- Feminists hear that women could be drafted, and instantly reveal that they don’t want equality. They even have the gall to say “Women already sacrifice more for their country than men do”. (Original)
- Norwegian Feminists oppose conscription for women. (Original)
Men’s Private Spaces
While Feminists love their “women only” train cars, parking spaces, and concerts, they absolutely hate men having their own bathrooms.
- (2018) (Article) Feminists journalists cheer the forty year anniversary of winning the “woman’s right” to walk into the men’s changing-rooms and shove a microphone in their faces while they’re stark naked. “It was about excluding women from yet one more domain,”. They try to imply that men who poked fun at them for doing so (with a wang-shaped cake) are evil sexist dinosaurs. Claim more still has to be done for women’s rights (to, presumably, walk in on attractive muscular men while they are naked). (Original)
- Feminist Party of Sweden tried to create a “Man Tax”. They called it the “Equality tax” but only men would pay it – with the idea being it would fund domestic violence support for women (but not for men). It was basically a way to demonise and penalise men for being male. Thankfully, it was hugely unpopular. (Original)
- Feminist admits she hates it when men use equality laws to get equality, and wants them to “Get your grubby male hands off my equal rights (laws)”. “what are men (any men!) doing using legislation that was brought in to help women?” However, seems to be fully aware she’s being sexist and irrational. (Original)
- India has a habit of giving free things to women. Including:
Feminists regularly attempt to revise and whitewash their own history. For example:
- Claiming “Believe All Women” Is a Right-Wing hoax meant to trap feminists.” Except Feminists absolutely positively swamped Twitter with #BelieveAllWomen around the time of the Kavanaugh Hearing in 2018, and were seen outside the hearing waving massive signs saying ‘Believe All Survivors’. Feminist sites still have plenty of articles like:
- New York times deleted a tweet praising the man-hating genocidal maniac who wrote The SCUM Manifesto and saying it’s a tragedy that her actual crimes overshadowed her work. AKA, the work detailing the much worse crimes she wanted to commit against all men. Imagine if Hitler only ever got as far as writing Mein Kampf and only ever managed to shoot one Jew – and then a few years later the NYT praised him. Amusingly enough, the article still exists. (Screenshot)
(Book) “The New Gay Liberation: Escaping the Fag End of Feminism” explains how Feminism lies about supporting gay men. (Original)
- ‘(Book) The Suffragette Bombers‘ details how the Suffragettes invented the letter bomb and committed many terrorist attacks. (Original)
- (2023) (Article) Manchester City women’s team to wear kit inspired by suffragette who led bombing campaign. (Original)
White Feather Girls
During WW1, the Suffragettes handed out White Feathers to young men of military age in order to shame them into joining up. This was the equivalent of calling the man and incel and a coward at the same time. The feather was often handed out to underage boys, military veterans, men exempt from service, and so on. It goes without saying that the feather girls largely did it for fun & power, were immune to the draft, and were not required to fight.
- Info on the White feather movement. (ARCHIVE)
- An intro to the ‘White Feather Girls’. Aka, feminist led women who shamed men and boys into joining up and dying. (Original)
- Marxist feminists committed at least one terrorist attack with gelignite. (Original)
Extremist Rhetoric
Feminism has a long and storied history of pushing insane & extreme rhetoric.
- Feminists more willing to sacrifice men. (Original)
- (Reddit) List of studies, videos, & articles about feminists hating on men. (Original)
Attacking Men
- Feminists mocked men for ‘not wanting’ a contraceptive after the study was stopped by an independent panel due to dangerous side-effects. (Original)
- Andrea Dworkin’s ironic ‘husband’ says “Why talking about ‘healthy masculinity’ is like talking about ‘healthy cancer'” (Original)
‘The Future Is Female’
- Being female is a prerequisite of the ‘Equality Officer’ job. (Original)
- Feminists ask: Is having a male “Equal Opportunities Officer” even possible? (Original)
- Half of Generation Z men ‘think feminism has gone too far’, new report finds. The feminist response is, of course, to double down on beating men over the head. (Original)
- Misogyny now treated as a hate crime in North Yorkshire, England. By definition it can only be committed by a man or a boy, and the victim can only be a woman or a girl. (Original)
- H&M’s website (in every language) claims that 70% of their leadership being female is ‘equality’. (UK Version) (USA Version) (German Version)
Feminists Are Often Abusers
- (2018) (Study) Feminists claim “erotic fantasies” are about raping men are very Feminist. (Original)
Male Castration
- (Video) Feminist teacher openly tells a classroom full of young boys that she would like to castrate men at birth. There were several articles about this, including one from this site. (Original)
Self-Hating Male Feminists
Feminist Academics, Influencers, & Thinkers Calling for Male Genocide
Many feminist theorists have called for a male genocide. The list below is mostly just an abridged version of our main article on famous Feminist academics calling for a mass genocide of men. All citations and documentation are on that list.
- Lois Waisbrooker – mass slaughter to reduce male population to 10%.
- Professor Mary Daly – advocates a “‘decontamination” to reduce male population to 10%
- Professor Sally Miller Gearhart – eugenics to reduce male population to 10%
- Valerie Solanas – total annihilation of ALL men.
- Emily McCombs, Deputy Editor at Huffington Post Personal – tweeted ‘kill all men. Yes all of them’.
- Mona Eltahawy – famous feminist directly advocated for a weekly cull of men as a way to end rape & murder of women via terrorism. (Original)
Feminist Genocide Fantasies in Fiction
Feminists keep writing books fantasising about a male genocide & how there will be an instant utopia when they are gone. Including:
- ‘The Men‘ – A book which fantasises about every person with a Y chromosome simply vanishing. Utopia ensues, of course. But tragedy strikes when it turns out The Men aren’t dead…. and womankind must rally against the threat! Naturally this book has been slammed…. for being transphobic. After all, some trans people have Y chromosomes! (Original)
- ‘The Wanderground: Stories of the Hill Women’ – A weird story about psychically reproducing women who hide in a hill because men are trying to genocide them or something. Written by male genocide proponent Sally Millar Gearheart.
Public Praise, Support, & Covering For Pro-Genocide Rhetoric
- The SCUM Manifesto being praised as ‘daring’ by the New York Times. (Original)
- “Bone up on your righteous man-hating this summer by rereading feminist classic, SCUM Manifesto.” “What I love about this book is how it promotes straightforward man-hating. Blaming men for the ills of the world is underrated.” “In today’s climate of Trumpism and the #MeToo movement, man-hating should be seen as a proud, feminist response.” Julie Bindel via ‘Feminist Current’ Here is confirmation that it is actually her who wrote that. (Original)
- The slogan ‘Kill All Men’ is apparently ‘humour’. (Original)
Wishing Death On Men
- Clementine Ford says coronavirus ‘isn’t killing men fast enough’ – then blames the backlash on ‘male fragility’
- Clementine Ford pretending to apologise for saying that the virus needs to kill more men. (Original)
- Feminists celebrate ‘The End Of Men’, claiming men are obsolete. Which just goes to show they’re just using men. (Original)
Feminist Theory: Debunked
Feminist academia is an activist-run scam built to directly manufacture citations that conform to Feminist ideology, which are then rubber-stamped by other Feminist activists posing as intellectuals. All criticism and counter-evidence is heavily suppressed & filtered out. This was proven by The Grievance Studies Experiment. (See: Academic Fraud and Dirty Tactics for the method behind this.)
This is a tab for stuff that’s extra special, even by Feminist standards. It’s worth noting that not one of these is satire.
- Crazy Feminist Guardian writer sees penises literally everywhere and is constantly triggered. She claims basically all landmarks and buildings are ‘sexist’ because they are taller than they are wide and have, quote, ‘pillars’. It’s literally like something from a kooky sketch show. (Original)
- Feminist Criminologist spends an entire chapter of a textbook ranting about how homeless men benefit from “Male Privilege”. Proof, if proof were needed, that Feminist academics are insane and that the “Grievance Studies Hoax” was right on the money. (Original)
- The handy material known as ‘carbon fibre’ is part of toxic masculinity because – I kid you not – prosthetic limbs made from it that help MALE disabled athletes to compete in sports competitions. Which, of course, give them access to athletic male social groups – which is dangerous. This came from a real university. Have they never seen a woman with a missing leg? (Original)
- Ridiculous UN report says 90% of people are biased against women. This is refuted entirely by the Empathy Gap tab & other sources on this page. There is a proven positive bias towards women. Worth noting: this is the same UN that refuses to give men and boys food in crisis situations, and prevents them fleeing genocide. (See Genocide tab)
Debunking The Pay Gap Myth
- A comprehensive debunking of the Pay Gap Myth/Lie. (Original)
- Washington Post debunks the Pay Gap. (Original)
- Warren Farrell’s book ‘Why Men Earn More’ is one of the most thorough debunkings of the Pay Gap there is, listing no fewer than 25 variables that Feminist studies fail to account for.
- Harvard Study shows that even when pay is locked to an identical hourly rate for everyone, women still earn 89% of what men do because they work fewer hours. (Original)
- The Gender Tax Gap and how men pay about Double Taxes of women, while receiving far less in terms of social services. (Original)
- Forbes debunks the Pay Gap. Men work an average of 42 mins more per day, or 14 hours more a month. (Original)
- Forbes debunks the Pay Gap again. (Original)
Women’s Sports
Feminists claim that women’s teams are paid less than men’s teams because women are ‘heavily discriminated against’ in sports & suffer from “second-class” status (Original) despite being ‘just as good’ or ‘better’ than the men. There are a number of problems with this claim:
- Men’s football is a multi-billion dollar industry, but 70% of women’s teams operate at a loss – with only 13% making over $1 million. (Original) More than half of which comes from sponsorship deals, not tickets. Sadly, women’s sports simply doesn’t make enough money to be economically viable at the moment. Their teams have to be heavily supported by the men’s side, and by government grants. (Original)
- Top female players are paid very well, considering how little their teams rake in. Top female teams would only be able to pay one or two players, if they were restricted to their own earnings. (Original)
- Unfortunately Women’s Sports just aren’t as popular as men’s sports because they aren’t played at the same level. The Woman’s World Cup Winners of 2017 were famously thrashed 5-2 in a friendly warm-up game against a random under-15s boys team. (Original) They took the hit commendably well, but even looking at the photos in that article you see that actual children tower above these top sportswomen.
Therefore: Women’s football (in general) is receiving massive special treatment, which it needs just to survive. They are NOT victims of discrimination.
Ideological Attacks On Masculinity
- Andrea Dworkin’s ironic ‘husband’ says “Why talking about ‘healthy masculinity’ is like talking about ‘healthy cancer'”
- Feminists whining about No Shave November because being manly is evil. (Archive Only)
The Erased History Of Women And Evil
- Women of the Ku Klux Klan operated separately form the male branch, but were similarly racist. (Original)
- Female KKK Wikipedia entry: “The ‘Ladies of the Invisible Empire’, held to many of the same political and social ideas of the KKK but functioned as a separate branch of the national organization with their own actions and ideas” (Original)
- Women commit warcrimes too. (Original)
- Female Nazis were just as bad as the men. (Original)
Feminists almost exclusively define rape as a form of gendered male violence against women. (Original) However, many have allowed that to be broadened slightly to “a ‘person’ with a penis penetrating another person against their will” or “sexual penetration of a person by force and/or without that person’s consent” (Original). This allows them to totally scrub male victims of women from the rape statistics, and hide them in the sexual assault statistics. Sectioning it off under a special ‘Made To Penetrate’ category that is added to Sexual Assault stats NOT rape stats. They then use these doctored stats to make a number of claims that are not supported by their own data. By design, this excludes the vast majority of male rape victims. (See also: Academic Fraud, under Dirty Tactics) (See also: Sex Crimes under Crime & The Justice System in the Main Citations List for specific stats)
CLAIM: “Only 2% of Rapists Are Women”
Source: This stat appears to be based solely on old government data that Feminists claim is from the year 2000. (Original) Our investigation found that this source was, in fact, a press release from late 1999. The source makes no mention of sexual assault or rape against men, and relies entirely on data from the 1990s: an age where rape of men by women was absolutely ignored. The press release does mention, however, that half of all child killings are by “mothers and stepmothers” – likely the vast majority.
Response: Assuming the stat is actually real, it’s still based on manipulated data. In most countries, a woman can only be counted as a rapist if she “assists a man to rape another person, such as by holding them down”. (Original) This means the figure above only includes female rapists who were convicted as accomplices to a male rapist, or a group of rapists including a man. It does not include female rapists who act alone – be that against a man, or another woman. Most jurisdictions require a penis for a crime to be deemed ‘rape’, meaning women cannot be tried for this crime. A small exception to this are the few places that count penetration with an object as rape. This means that rape statistics do not include ‘Made To Penetrate’, aka the female form of rape. Which means that even situations such as this are not counted as rape.
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