If you’ve been on this site before, you’ve probably heard of MRAs – but what about ‘Femcels’, ‘Incels’, ‘PUAs’, or ‘The Red Pill’? Thereโs all sorts of weird jargon, acronyms, and groups floating around this ‘Manosphere’ thing – which can make it a really confusing place when you first get here. But don’t panic! This article is to help explain whatโs up with all these groups and explain some of the common terminology and groups. With this you can untangle the acronym spaghetti and understand some of the common words tossed around.
Key Terminology & Famous Names
- Affirmative Consent – The (Feminist) idea that consent for sex needs to be continual and enthusiastic – as in the male must continually stop at every stage to ask the woman how she is feeling and if she wants to continue. It also states that drunk sex invalidates consent, and that consent can be withdrawn at any time – even after the sex has happened, in some cases. Feminists see consent as entirely the responsibility of men, but some go further and say that men automatically consent (even if drunk, or asleep).
- Agency (Personal) – The idea that a person should determine and control their own fate. MRAs believe that society denies women agency for their actions and overemphasizes male agency (See: Hyperagency).
- Alison Tieman – The founder of the popular MRA ‘Honey Badger Radio’ podcast.
- Apex Fallacy – A popular feminist idea which assume all men have the power and privilege of kings, CEOs and presidents – and thus already have ‘All The Rights’. This is an argument against the validity of the Men’s Rights Movement’ that suggests men don’t need more rights. It is often paired with the fallacious claim that MRAs want to undermine women’s rights rather than equalising them. This argument falls apart when you realise that there are no examples of MRAs doing this, but plenty of examples of the reverse. MRAs only attack laws that enforce inequality against men, or grant women privileges over men that men do not have. Usually the MRA solution for these laws is simply to demand the removal of gendered language from them, allowing men to benefit as well.
- AVFM – A Voice For Men – A very popular menโs rights website that often stirs controversy, even among MRAs. AVFM has posted an article from www.menarehuman.com in the past.
- Betty Friedan – A communist & feminist who wrote that women were extremely unhappy being stay at home moms and should work like men do. Founder of second wave feminism.
- Cancel Culture – A culture of censoring opposing voices rather than engaging with them. Cancel Culture uses tactics such as Deplatforming, and other censorship tools, to ensure their own narrative is the only one that is heard. Cancel Culture is a very strong part of the Social Justice Warrior movement, and regularly focuses on unseating and ruining the life/legacy of a new person every week. The culture is generally unconcerned with facts, and behaves exactly like a scandal-obsessed mob. No slight is too small, and no over-reaction too big. Notable wins include: briefly cancelling Guardians Of The Galaxy because the director told a questionable joke several years ago,
- Dethroning historical people, such as Winston Churchill or Gandhi, for perceived racism is a popular pastime. Left unchecked: Cancel Culture would annihilate our entire historical record, and shut down literally anyone they perceive as a wrong-thinker.
- Cassie Jaye – Feminist maker of the MRA-showcasing film ‘The Red Pill Movie’. Over the course of editing she came to question her feminism, and is now a much-hated ex-feminist.
- Chivalry – The idea that women should be treated with great deference and extreme respect by men. I.e., the idea of ‘women first’ into the lifeboats. Often weaponized by various activist groups, including Feminists. Chivalry is based on ‘Gynocentrism’.
- Deplatforming – No-Platforming – A dirty protest tactic that relies on entirely preventing a speaker from talking at an event, or online. Deplatforming is a major part of Cancel Culture, and is a common tactic of Social Justice Warriors. Depending on the medium, the tactics change – but a general list is as follows:
- Attack or petition the venue to take down the content. Normally by smearing the speaker, film, or event. This can also include calling in threats to the venue or speaker. In extreme cases, they may even be able to remove the venue entirely – which is what they are currently trying to do to Free Speech platform GAB.
- Destroy posters, or put up misleading info. Fake Copyright Claims fall under this on YouTube.
- Set off air horns and scream outside the venue. Pull fire alarms & generally make noise that distracts and covers the talk. The ideal target for this tactic is to get inside the venue itself and either actively disrupt, or plant ‘noise boxes’.
- Obstruct doors, block protests, and bully anyone who tries to pass.
- Defund or attempt to block funding. This is happening to GAB – with banks attempting to prevent visa donations. Preventing advertising is one way YouTube does this.
- ‘Derank’ websites and content by shifting it to the bottom of search results, or removing it entirely so it can’t be found. Common on Google and Youtube.
- Preventing links to ‘hateful or misleading content’. Read: anything that suggests men might suffer from certain problems, or that Feminism is the wrong way to equality.
- ‘Quarantine’ or otherwise slap warning labels on it. In real life this can take the form of posters or pamphlets decrying an event. When poorly done, it can be free advertising.
- Attempt to provoke a response that can be reported to a platform as being against its rules. A major tactic on Twitter and Reddit subs where there is clear moderator bias. Success depends on which way the bias swings.
- On a very minor and petty level – blocking people right after responding to them. This allows you to respond and makes it look, to the casual observer, as if they ‘won’ the argument or debate. On YouTube this takes the form of replying to comments without tagging people so they don’t see the response unless the manually check.
- Deplorables – Deplorable – A mocking moniker adopted by certain victims of Cancel Culture in order to wear their ‘Cancelled’ status as a badge of pride.
- Direct Power – The power of a leader who wields authority at any level. Direct power is held by parents and world leaders alike, but to wildly different degrees and in different domains. See also: Soft Power, for the opposing form that can influence the holders of Direct Power.
- Draft, The – aka Conscription – A set of laws allowing leaders to ‘call up’ randomly chosen men to fight or work for their country. The men chosen are effectively slaves, even if they are paid, due to the fact that they have no choice in the matter. The Draft is the active form of ‘Selective Service‘, and is what men in America and other parts of the world are required to sign up for at 18 – under penalty of their rights being stripped, or prison. During wartime, a man may even be shot for not complying – especially if he is already in the warzone and is deemed a ‘coward’ for standing up to his superiors. It is worth noting that while some countries do not have The Draft, ANY country that came under sustained attack and felt they were losing is very likely to institute it. Currently only a tiny handful of countries draft women into military services – and it remains to be determined if they are expected to fight on the front line. A secondary form of conscription is to demand that the populace perform a number of years of ‘civic duty’ upon turning a certain age. This duty may or may not have a civilian option, and is always applied to men – even if it does not affects women. Men who opt out out if it tend to be penalised with high taxes, prison, or other measures designed to enforce their servitude. The NCFM has recently won a court case ruling the male-only Draft unconstitutional
- Duluth Model – A very popular feminist made model of domestic violence that violence is always menโs fault and men should be arrested in any violent encounter. Used by many police departments.
- Empathy gap – The scientifically-supported MRA idea that people care a lot more for female pain than male pain.ย
- Erin Pizzey – Ex feminist founder of the first domestic violence shelters in Britain, and famous for saying that women are just as violent as men. Pizzey is famous within the Men’s Rights movement for her support and care of men as well as women. Pizzey founded the shelter movement itself, and was instrumental in its early growth. She soon discovered strong evidence that domestic violence was generational, and that the women could be every bit as violent as the men they lived with. Originally men and boys were fully welcome in her shelter, and the first volunteer there was male. She even ran work programs for boys to earn money through mentorship. The trouble started when Feminists enacted a hostile takeover, turning the movement into a for-profit business in a charity shell. Their first move was to get rid of the men and boys. When Pizzey attempted to start a shelter for men, she was immediately ousted and sent death threats by feminists. Somebody shot her dog during this time, but thankfully it survived. (Archive) Eventually, she was driven out of the country by death threats.ย When Feminists claim that they started the first ever men’s Domestic Violence shelter, this is what they are referring to! Nowadays, Pizzey runs the Honest Ribbon website and campaigns for reform in the Domestic Violence industry.
- FGM – see: Female Genital Mutilation.
- Female Genital Mutilation – a barbaric practice that is directly equivalent to Male Genital Mutilation (MGM). Unfortunately, anti-FGM campaigners deny this and refuse to team up with Intactivists, who are very much on their side. A lot of valuable time is wasted on arguments claiming that FGM is somehow much worse than Male Genital Mutilation, despite the fact that Types One and Two of FMG are directly equivalent to Male Genital Mutilation, and Type Four is much less severe (being only ritual pinpricks). Fraudulent Feminist studies have even been constructed to reassure FGM campaigners that FGM is worse. Type Three FGM is unequivocally the worst, and the rarest – but is usually misrepresented as the only kind. It’s likely that this tactic will ultimately allow types One, Two, and Four to be legalised if Male Genital Mutilation continues to be legal. Contrary to popular belief, there are types of Male Genital Mutilation that are directly equivalent to Type Three FGM – and they are arguably just as common.
- Femicide – a noxious term that seeks to blame men en-mass for lone criminals who target women. The general idea is that every woman killed by a man is actually a victim of ALL men and was slain as part of an imaginary gender war. Proponents believe that men are socially conditioned to oppress and control women, therefore every woman who is raped and/or killed by a man is proof of this. Essentially, this is due to a radical feminist theories stating that ‘all men use sexual violence to intimidate and oppress all women’. It goes without saying that this idea is absolute paranoid lunacy – but it has some powerful and very official proponents, such as the UN. If it manages to take hold, expect the term to be expanded to all female suicides.
- Foodie Call – Term for arranging a date with a man so that he can pay for your food. A typical & traditional date used as a manipulative way to get a free meal, in other words. If your date seems uninterested in you from the moment she arrives, or is basically using you as a free therapist, you may be her ‘Foodie Call’. This strategy is one proposed by certain female Pick Up Artist guides aimed at women, as well as traditional dating advice.
- GamerGate – A group that formed to protest journalistic fraud on gaming review sites, with several of them caught publishing good reviews of bad games for money. Unfortunately, GamerGaters were quickly dubbed misogynists after they made claims that a woman called Zoรซ Quinn tried to commit such a fraud & used dirty tactics to shield her game from negative reviews. Feminists leapt on the allegations, and the rest of the fraud allegations were swept under the rug. GamerGaters don’t care about Quinn half as much as people think, mostly seeking to talk about the other (far larger) allegations. The Gamer Gate Wiki doesn’t even mention her on its front page description. GGs are not linked to the Men’s Rights Movement, but a minority of MRAs are GamerGaters due to the crossover with Anti-Feminism in the wake of their reaction to the Zoรซ Quinn Scandal.
- Gynocentrism – The active form of Gamma Bias. Gynocentrism is bias towards the female and feminine. It is the idea that society (if not human nature) is set up to ensure female comfort and happiness as a method of ensuring the survival of the species. For example – all those government agencies set up to ensure female equality and comfort while men still have to sign up for Selective Service, or go to prison. This idea has quite a lot of research backing it up, including studies saying that both genders more likely to sacrifice a man than a woman. The drawbacks of Gynocentrism have actually been noticed by Feminists for years, although they tend to claim that not being forced to die horribly in a war is a sign of female oppression by men. See also: ‘Infantilisation’.
- Incels And Femcels – Involuntarily Celibate – These are people who have a hard time forming relationships, for whatever reason, and can be male (Incel) or female (Femcel). This can be due to (any mixture of): unpopular political views or beliefs, fear of false rape accusations, low self esteem, poor choice of clothing/cleanliness, genuine unattractiveness, poor social skills, and many other factors. In the modern world, there’s a strong tradition to shame men who are less attractive who approach women which makes it very hard for these men to find partners. Female Incels (Femcels), likewise, are running up against a culture where men are simply opting out of dating and society due to various reasons. MRAs are sympathetic to both groups, but often end up arguing with them due to their sexism.
- Infantilisation – A feminist term referring to the drawbacks of Gynocentrism. I.e.: keeping women in comfort and out of danger( while forcing men to deal with that danger) has the drawback of treating women a lot like children. This is arguably the case in a lot of ways – since the crimes of women are often treated a lot like the crimes of incredibly spoilt children who can do no wrong.
- Intactivists – AKA, ‘Intact Activists’ – A group of activists against male circumcision. The Bloodstained Men & Friends are the most famous group of such, and American Circumcision is a good film to see to gain some perspective on the issue. MRAs are generally friendly with them.
- Justice for Men and Boys – a fatherโs rights organisation in the UK with a history of successful legal changes.
- Karen Straughan – AKA ‘Girlwriteswhat’ – famous MRA and member of The Honey Badger Brigade.
- Kill All Men – see #KillAllMen. Hashtags are at the top of this page.
- Male Expendability/ Disposability– The idea that male lives are not as valuable as female ones, and therefore it’s more okay for men to die than women. Women and children first on the Titanic is a good example, as are both World Wars – but so are Genocides, and Boko Haram raids, where all the men are typically killed and all the women typically allowed to live.
- Male Gaze, The – Feminist idea based on cinematography, whereby the male gaze is the camera lovingly running up a woman’s body (or lingering on some attractive part of it). The Male Gaze is said, by feminists, to deny women agency – or to be empowering – depending on the day of the week, the lunar phase, and where they are in the conversation. It’s worth noting that the ‘Female Gaze‘ is common in media, but often manifests in different ways.

- Male Genital Mutilation – MGM – Otherwise known as male circumcision. This is a practice dating back to at least Ancient Egypt, and other African tribes, which is performed by flaying the skin from the penis. In the lightest form of Circumcision, around 30% or so is taken, but the most popular forms take more than half the skin of the penis – including skin from the shaft in some cases. Usually this is done to babies without any kind of anaesthetic. The usual reasoning for MGM by parents and health organisations is very vague. This is a symptom of the real cause: American hospitals pushing Circumcision because it is incredibly profitable. Despite all other non-emergency (‘elective’) surgeries being cancelled during the Covid19 epidemic, many hospitals continued to push Male Genital Mutilation on parents throughout the crisis. Baby boys are often circumcised the moment they come off life support. Male Genital Mutilation is practised in every country where FGM is practised, but FGM is far rarer than MGM. Types of Male Genital Mutilation:
- Light: only a small ring of skin is removed to expose the very tip of the penis. Sensitivity is usually dulled on all regions of the glans that are exposed to rubbing & drying out in clothing.
- Moderate: more skin is removed, typically uncovering about half the head of the penis.
- Tight: All of the foreskin is removed, and often the frenulum too (usually thought to be the most sensitive part). This is the most common type of circumcision. Males who have had this done to them usually have a lot of trouble masturbating or having sex without lubricant. Some may be unable to masturbate at all, or feel pain when erect. If the circumcision is tight enough, it may feel pain when they are erect.
- Extensive: In addition to being Tightly Circumcised, large amounts of skin is flayed from the shaft – leaving a band of scarring around it, like a ring. This is one of the worst forms of circumcision that is commonly performed in hospitals today.
- Total: In parts of Africa, the practice is to flay the skin from the entire penis and even take some from the body. The pain is incredible, and the male is carefully observed to ensure he doesn’t so much as flinch. If he does, he may be exiled or killed.
- Subincision: In addition to being Tightly, Extensively, or Totally Circumcised, the man’s penis is split in half along the urethra.
- Castration: More common in medieval times, this involves removing the man’s testicles and often the entire penis. This was done to young boys who could sing beautifully to preserve their voice and prevent it ‘breaking’. It was also done to the guardians of royal harems.
- Male Hyperagency – a broader term for Patriarchy. AKA the idea that men are strong and proactive, and therefore men as a group should take all the blame for everything done by singular men – including men who are categorically insane. Believers in Male Hyperagency blame the male gender itself for wars, human suffering in general, and especially lone cases of rape & murder committed against women. People who follow this idea tend to think that men as a whole are engaged in a war against women (See: Femicide).
- Male Feminists – Male feminists believe that men are (by default) socialized to be a sexist and dominating gender that can only be improved by following feminist ideology. Since feminists donโt like men much this leads to much frustration for male feminists, but it can help them advance in feminist circles. They let feminist ideology rule their lives and talk a lot about how to improve their mental health through it and ensure that their male children don’t grow up as monsters. Generally disagree with MRAs.
- Manosphere – An incredibly nebulous and unconnected collection of mostly male mostly online groups the media likes to connect to the Alt Right or Far Right. Some of these groups are genuinely Alt Right, while others are just grossly misunderstood. Journalists who use this term never explain how or why these groups are said to be connected – just that they are. The typical list usually comprises Men’s Rights, Pick Up Artists, GamerGaters, Incels, Father’s Rights Groups, White Supremacists, Nazis, and so on. The objective seems to be to conflate these groups and make them seem like different parts of the same movement.
- MGM – see Male Genital Mutilation.
- Mike Buchanan – Founder of Justice for Men and Boys, famous British MRA.
- Misandry – Hatred, contempt, or distain of men. May also take the form of ‘using’ men – such as in this story. Often involves pushing men in to certain gender roles. Common in every society, hence why MRAs organize to stop it. Pointing out Misandry is often seen as a form of Misogyny. Misandry is largely a product of Gamma Bias.
- Misogynoir – This is a Feminist term meaning ‘hatred of black women’ that was created by combining the word ‘Misogyny‘ with ‘Noir’. Basically racism combined with sexism. The term was coined by the feminist Moya Bailey in about 2010.
- Misogyny – Hatred, contempt, or distain of women – or the pushing of women in to certain gender roles. Feminists tend to believe Misogyny is everywhere. However: the concept of Misogyny has no scientific basis of any kind, and all the evidence points to bias TOWARDS women – known as philogyny. MRAs tend to believe that Misogyny does exist in small ways, but that it has largely been eradicated in the West. Misogyny tends to be used as a description of events that either: 1) Target men to an equal of far greater degree, in which case the term is used to over-focus on women. 2) Actually stem from over-protectiveness and over-caring of women, which can be stifling but is not actually hate. 3) Co-opt random crimes and tries to twist them into evidence of a War On Women (such as with Femicide). Overall, these attempts are a functional effect of Gynocentrism. Unlike Misandry, both true and imaginary Misogyny is punished very severely by both men and women – a common practice known as White Knighting.
- Meal Ticket – Is a man who is objectified by a woman, who sees him only as a free meal & drinks for the evening. She is also objectifying herself as a low-price escort or prostitute. See ‘Foodie Call’.
- Men’s Rights Activists – MRAs – These are people who want to stand up for the rights of men and boys to make a better world. There are a number of different groups withing the MRM (Men’s Rights Movement). Divorced men and men seeking custody of their kids are major members. Other major groups include men seeking to protect boys from unwanted circumcision, men seeking prison reform, and mothers and fathers seeking educational reform, and children seeking relief from harsh teachers and bureaucracies. This is a MRA site – and we believe in better relationships with women romantically, friendship wise, and professionally and that men should be treated with respect by all. We are mostly male, but with some prominent women among us such as Erin Pizzey, and tend to lean egalitarian and liberal with a substantial wing of conservatives, and tend to be anti feminist. We are anti-racism, anti-homophobia, anti-sexism, and have many allies across the world who are facing hard times in their countries.
- MGTOW – Men Going Their Own Way – These are men who have gotten tired of living in a hard world where interaction is dangerous and mostly avoid interacting with women. Theyโre generally friendly with the MRM and thereโs a lot of overlap with us. They want to be treated better and with respect, but donโt especially want much else from women. They generally donโt like feminists much and feel that they attack men. There is some overlap with MRAs, however MRAs are very much moderates when it comes to the MGTOW community and often distance themselves from it – especially its extreme end.
- MHRM – Men’s Human Rights Movement. Long form of MRM.
- Moid – An insulting term for men common in extremist Feminist circles; such as Black Pill and Pink Pill Feminism.
- MRAs – see ‘Men’s Rights Activists’.
- MRM – Menโs Rights Movement as a whole – the general ‘correct’ term for all of us. See ‘Men’s Rights Activists’.
- Movember – Moustache November – A month used to celebrate men and work on helping them handle health issues like risk of prostate cancer. Recent campaigns (such as the one by Yo Sushi) show it is slowly gaining traction.
- MGM – Male genitalia mutilation/cutting. An emotive term for circumcision that compares it to FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). Has recently attained public awareness, with tentative laws fronted to ban it.
- NAFALT – Not All Feminists Are Like That – A direct equivalent to ‘Not All Men‘. Anti-feminists often hear this in response to arguments that “feminism as a whole shares some blame for its extremists because the moderates don’t do enough to police their movement”. As feminism is an activist ideology known to tightly censor content (rather that a gender), the topic is debatable.
- National Coalition For Men – NCFM – A major MRA organisation that has won several victories, including forcing the American courts to admit that drafting only men is unconstitutional.
- National Organisation for Women – NOW – A major feminist lobbying group which has produced several legal changes, and has long fought against equal custody for men and women.
- NCFM – See National Coalition For Men.
- Not All Men – NAM – A common phrase meaning ‘not all men are rapists, murderers, etc’ that is used in response to Feminists group-blaming men. A common counter to this phrase is ‘Yes All Men‘.
- NOW – see: ‘National Organisation for Women’.
- Objectification – this word has a duel meaning:
- For feminists: it is a function of the ‘Male Gaze’, whereby a woman is reduced to eye-candy for men. Alternatively: a man who sleeps with beautiful women is said to be using them as if their bodies were objects. While there is some truth to this, it’s only half the story. The man who sleeps with women because they are beautiful is (generally) slept with because he himself is objectified by the women he dates.
- For MRAs: it is more about the idea of men as providers and protectors of women. A woman who goes on a date with a man just to get a free meal is objectifying him. Specifically she is using him as a Meal Ticket.

- Paul Elam – Founder of A Voice for Men, famous MRA.
- Patriarchy, The – The idea that either: a) men rule society for the benefit of men alone, and set up society to favour men over women. The Patriarchy seemingly has a heavy focus on Family Values, and (more recently) is said to be the cause of male problems such as The Draft. The theory has been watered down in recent years to the point that it is often just used as a synonym for traditional social values. MRAs generally take the opposing view that a small minority of both men and women at the top rule society, and that those people are influenced by Soft Power and activism. MRAs, in contrast to Feminists also acknowledge that women held very real Direct Power over society – both as mothers raising children, and as noblewoman capable of having a common man whipped for looking at her. Acknowledging female power tends to better explain society than Patriarchy Theory – such as why women were able to achieve the vote, ban alcohol in America, ban coffee in 17th century England (allegedly), and pressure men to go to war with the White Feather Campaign. It also explains why, in the modern world, politicians feel they must appeal to women to control the vote. It also explains why appealing to men directly is never done. See also: Soft Power and Direct Power.
- Pay Gap, The – An idea that women earn less than men (Often said to be 77 of 87 cents on the dollar). This effect is mainly due to personal female choices – like having children, working part time, and not working dangerous jobs. However, confirmed examples exist.
- PayPig – An extremely strange movement that combines Simping with a fetish for humiliation, and
- Pickme – a derogatory term used by female ‘Pick Up Artists‘, Femcels, and hardcore radical Feminists that is directed only at other women. Basically, being called a ‘Pick Me’ just means you made them mad by disagreeing with them. However, the ‘official’ meaning is a woman who ‘craves male attention’ and will say anything to get it – like, for example: ‘men shouldn’t be rounded up and murdered’. In other words, it refers to a woman ‘so desperate for male affection’ she is willing to ‘betray the feminist sisterhood’ and ‘throw other women under the bus’ to get it. Literally any women they don’t like will be called a ‘PickMe’ at some point, even if she’s a lesbian. A direct synonym of ‘Gender Traitor’ and roughly equivalent to the Red Pill word ‘Simp‘; although Simp is generally more a description of actual behaviour by PayPig men.
- Pick Up Artists – men and women who seek to build their attractiveness so they can get laid, with a major hub at /r/theredpill. There are female pick up artists, and so on, but the most famous sort is the male kind – the stereotype being a rather sexist male who is committed to lifting, sleeping with lots of women, and always being confident. PUAs donโt care about relationships very much – and expect respect only when they prove their value to women. A few MRAs like some of their ideas about self-improvement, but their sexism makes long term friendships tricky. We like being sexier, but we also value respect and love. Heartiste is a major blog of theirs, as was Roosh – who has long been explicitly anti-MRA, regardless of what you may have heard.
- ‘Pill’ Movements – These are basically just different ideologies that refer to themselves by different colours. The idea comes from the red and blue pills from The Matrix movie, and the idea of an ‘awakening’. You take the [coloured] pill and see what the world is ‘really like’. Of course, who is actually right is somewhat debatable, and the whole system is fairly confusing to understand because multiple movements use the pill metaphor ins various ways. Some examples include:
- ‘The Red Pill’ – now used mainly by Pick Up Artists, and MGTOW – there was a period when MRAs often referred to themselves as ‘red pilled’. This is why the most famous documentary film about MRAs is called ‘The Red Pill Movie’. MRAs don’t seem to use this metaphor much anymore, likely due to its association with Pick Up Artists. MRAs and PUAs do not get along, and are regularly at odds.
- ‘The Blue Pill’ – A term used by others to refer to feminism, Conservatives, and other mainstream viewpoints that ignore the problems faced by men. Blue Piller’s rarely self-label themselves as such because of the negative meaning. In The Matrix, the Blue Pill made you “forget the truth” – likewise Blue Pill movements are ones that don’t see ‘the truth’.
- ‘The Purple Pill’ – Is for those who use a mix of MRA and Feminist ideology, or try to.
- ‘The Black Pill’ – Hardcore Incels & nihilists who view sex as negative. Black Pill movements are populated by very depressed people – often referring to themselves as ‘Doomers’. For example, The Black Pill Feminist subreddit sidebar (archive|link to original) describes their ideology like so: “Misogyny, male violence and female pick-me behavior are biology. Equality is a lie. Feminism is a scam and failed movement. We are heading towards misogynist dystopia and there is nothing we can do about it. Take the Black Pill, sit back and enjoy the ride to hell.” This is a real sub, and you can read more about them here. (Also interesting to see the comments they remove)
- ‘The Pink Pill’ – Female incels. ‘Pink Pill Feminists’ are radical feminist incels.
- ‘The White Pill’ – AKA, ‘The God Pill’. Rare term for MRA Christians.
- PUAs – see Pick Up Artists.
- Real Men – A phrase used to shame men into performing in a particular way, normally to benefit whoever said it. ‘Real Men’ don’t cry, don’t disrespect women, and don’t react when she hits him. Real men give her his paycheck without any kind of complaint, and don’t object if they wake up in the middle of the night with a strange woman raping them. Real men do what they are told, conform to the group, and light matches off of their stubble. They are idealised, care nothing for themselves and everything for their wife, and are able to solve the complex paradoxical demands of society and feminism. For example: “A Real Man is never falsely accused of rape because he always gets consent” – phrase that includes the assumption that False Rape Accusations don’t exist.

- Save Indian Family Foundation – SIFF – An NGO campaigning against abuses of dowry laws in India.
- Selective Service – An American law forcing men to ‘sign up’ for the military lottery known as The Draft, or suffer debilitating loss of civic rights that women take for granted. Opting out of Selective service is often billed as ‘voluntary’ – but can land you in prison for five years, cost you a $250,000 fine, and keep you out of college. As a man, you cannot get Student Aid, apply for a Federal Job, or ANY kind of job training if you do not sign on. Women are entirely exempt, though the NCFM has recently won a court case ruling the male-only Draft unconstitutional. See also ‘Draft, The‘.
- SIFF – see Save Indian Family Foundation.
- Simps and ‘Simping’ – Simps (short for simpletons) is an insult aimed at men who send online women huge gifts (usually money) in the hope that the woman will notice and fall madly in love with them. This image is a classic example of ‘Simping’. Simps are directly equivalent to PickMes.
- SJWs – see Social Justice Warriors.
- Social Justice Warriors – SJWs – are members of the ‘Woke’ crowd who campaign on various Feminist or Civil rights causes, and tend to self-label as any one of these terms. SJWs have an extremely bad reputation for being hypocritical, unreasonable, unapathetic, racist, Virtue Signalling, flitting from issue to issue, and bullying. They are especially prone to tactics such as: defamation, Deplatforming, censorship, ridicule, screaming over people, tearing down posters, and making huge amounts of noise to prevent their opponents being heard. Here is a classic example of SJWs unironically protesting a film they haven’t seen. They are known for their shrill and often hypocritical faux-concern for various popular social issues, and openly treat everyone who does not fall in line as ‘the enemy’. They are well known for racism, sexism, and generally attacking anyone who does not fit the adopted ‘person categories’ they are protecting – rather than seeking to build bridges between ethnic, sexual, gender, and social groups. For example, an SJW campaigner for women, gays, minorities, and trans people will typically pour hatred on “straight cis white men” every chance they get. This has become something of a meme, and is a major reason why SJWs are considered a joke. Demographically, a huge number are university students – usually in sociology, or the humanities – and they tend to be middle or upper class. Common signs of an SJW include:
- Words like ‘Feminist’, ‘SJW, ‘Social Justice’, or terms meant to convey support for various movements. For example: a straight woman with gender pronouns who is not trans.
- Heavy use of mass blocking and tracking systems available online.
- The assumption that anyone who disagrees with them is literally Hitler, even if that person mostly supports them in principal.
- A blue checkmark on Twitter.
- Multiple colourful flags in their name or profile.
- Soft Power – aka Indirect Power – This term refers to the ability of Influencers to steer society without holding power in an official capacity. More generally, Soft Power is best described by the phrase: “The pen is mightier than the sword”. Typically it relies on 1) steering the opinions of others, and 2) pressuring, seducing, or affecting leaders who hold Direct Power. It can take the form of a pretty girl’s whisper in the ear of a king, a rumour that starts a riot, or the ability to rile a mob simply by directing their opinions. Soft Power is rarely acknowledged after the fact, due to the level of deniability it holds. Direct Power tends to come with blame, while Indirect Power tends to be undocumented. When done properly, both the mob and the people holding Direct Power should feel as if the idea were their own. Soft Power is a strong facet of Propaganda, but is also the method behind Proxy Violence. The most skilled politician knows how to wield both Direct and Indirect Power. Soft Power is also the power held by Feminism and by Activists in general.
- Tender Years Doctrine – Feminist-pushed idea that women should always get custody of kids because they are ‘specially suited’ to take care of them. Heavily supported by NOW and other groups.
- ‘The Red Pill Movie’ (Documentary). Based on MRA use of the phrase ‘The Red Pill’, and created by Cassie Jaye, this film about the Men’s Rights Movement was so controversial Feminists tried to ban it before previews or footage of the film even existed. Which is to say, they hadn’t even seen it.
- The Red Pill (MRA Movement) – AKA ‘Taking The Red Pill’ This refers to the idea becoming aware of the problems suffered by men. Popularised by AVoiceForMen. Usage seems to be falling by the wayside due to its adoption by:
- The Red Pill (PUA Movement). This refers to the idea of understanding dating in a ‘different way’ (i.e., becoming a ‘Pick Up Artist’). Confusingly, PUA Red Pillers have nothing to do with MRAs (and often hate MRAs). The feeling is generally mutual.
- Toxic Masculinity – The idea that men have cultural ideas of masculinity which are damaging to them and women – such as violence, lack of willingness to share emotions, and competitiveness. Widely disliked by MRAs, and widely used as a blunt instrument to attack men by Feminists. The term itself stereotypes men, and is based on faulty ideological rhetoric.
- Trad Cons – Traditional Conservatives – these value a return to traditional male values and a stable family. They often want women to be mothers first, and value the ideal of a working husband and housewife. Goals include ending ‘dead bedrooms’ (fixing loveless marriages), and encouraging people to remain faithful and honest with their partners. At the extreme end, they desire women to be submissive and respectful wives who always defer to their husbands – and for husbands to be immensely self-sacrificing and stoic providers for their family. Tradcons are often religious, but the religion itself varies (most are Christian, Muslim, Mormon, or Jewish). This differs from MRAs – who are usually divided over Traditionalism vs Progressiveism. Overall, MRAs (along with most other groups on this list) generally have mixed views about traditional values, and donโt believe in forcing men into traditional roles – but Tradcons and MRAs often make strong and good friendships. Several of the female MRAs value the Tradcon lifestyle because of its emphasis upon family as the basis of society. Dalrock is a famous blog example of this.
- War On Women – A conspiracy theory claiming that society is ‘out to get’ women and strip away their rights. In reality, this is propaganda term meant to agitate and panic people by appealing to their tribalistic need to protect and nurture women. The goal is to force the government to Virtue Signal by granting extra privileges and and rights to women while denying them to men. During the fight to make Misogyny a hate crime, several pundits used this and similar phrases to express outrage that Misandry would also be criminalised.
- Warren Farrel – Ex feminist, author, and famous MRA. Writer of ‘The Boy Crisis’ and ‘The Myth of Male Power’.
- WHO – see: World Health Organisation.
- World Health Organisation – WHO – a major enemy for ‘Intactivists’ due to its proposal that all men be circumcised for spurious health reasons due to their financial involvement in the circumcision trade. WHO’s circumcisions have been linked to higher instances of AIDs, due to filthy equipment in third world countries. The organisation is often called hypocritical due to their equal and opposite outrage over ‘FGM’.
- Women Are Wonderful Effect – A psychological bias which says women are better than men. Essentially, it is a bias towards male guilt and female innocence. Or, to put it another way: it is the view that “women are much nicer than men in general, and no real woman would ever (for example) microwave her own baby. And if she did, it was probably because she was driven to do it by a nasty man – the poor thing!” This is a very-well documented phenomena.
- Yes All Men – A feminist phrase implying all men share blame as a group for what one male criminal did. This is similar to tactics in Soviet Russia. See also: ‘Not All Men’.
- Yes All Women – Another feminist phrase, this time claiming that all women have stories of sexual assault and violence.
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“When Feminists say that they started the first ever menโs shelter of Domestic Violence, this is what they are referring to!”
I think you meant to say “When Feminists say that they started the first ever WOmenโs shelter of Domestic Violence, this is what they are referring to!”
You accidentally said men’s shelter instead of women’s shelter, because she made the women’s shelter.
But it was close enough.
Good job!
Love this list!
I’m making a dictionary myself, so I’ll be using this as a reference, and mentioning it!
It’ll be a Men’s Rights Dictionary.
Ah! I forgot to go back and clarify – she actually founded both the men’s and the women’s shelters! Or, at least, she tried to. I’ve expanded the entry as she deserves a larger one in any case. ๐
Ah, ok! I will go check it out in a little bit. Thank you!
Np! Let me know if you notice any other flaws! ๐
Sounds good!
Also, I published my first article, on Domestic Abuse/Violence. It’s a factsheet.
Can you tell me if there are any ways I could do better next time?
Sure thing! Send me a link to it via the contact form. ๐
Here’s the article:
Here’s the PDF:
Wait, what contact form?
Oh? Is it not visible? It should just be in the ‘home’ menu, but here’s the link to it. If you can’t see it, please let me know what kind of device you are using as the site might change depending on that.
Thank you for the links! That’s a pretty good list. Can’t see anything I’d change myself, though I haven’t checked the citations yet. ๐
I’m using a computer, and it’s not showing up. Laptop, specifically.
You should definitely check the citations out sometime soon! They’re all very useful.
Thank you! I had a look, but it does seem to be there. What happens when you mouse over the home button?
That Black Pill Feminism part genuinely made me sick, props for being able to put with that in order to share this to the public.
Thank you, and I’m sorry it affected you so much
There are some definitions of this dictionary (like the black pill feminism one) that genuinely made me sick and me question how someone in their right made could think like that, props for being able to pull through it and how unhinged these people can be.