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Why Celebrate International Men’s Day?

On November 19th, people around the world will get together for International Men’s Day. But what is it about? Why would men need their own day, when they’re the majority of CEOs and leaders? Don’t men have it all? In fact – don’t men have everything, except problems? Surely there’s a reason political figures around the world laugh at the very idea that men need help?

The back of the leaflet. Click here to download the full set. These leaflets are free to print and share.

But that’s just the thing – men and boys are in trouble. They are in so much trouble, you wouldn’t even believe it. There isn’t even enough room in this article cover it all. So where do we even begin? If you found one of our leaflets (which you can download here), you may be curious about the ludicrous statistics on the back. For example, that 77% of all suicides are men. Which is to say that, in Europe and America, roughly four men and boys kill themselves for every woman or girl. It’s an outrageous figure…. so why haven’t you heard about it? And why is it so lopsided? Well, we can explain that one by mentioning some of the other issues men face. These are from the back of the leaflet:

(Note: we try to archive links to prevent them dying. All pages live at time of publishing.)

And That’s Not All

Every leaflet also comes with an individual fact right on the front. If your leaflet is not here, you will likely find the source on our citations page. Some of the ones you might see include:

And That’s Just What We Could Fit On A leaflet

It just gets worse from here on in.

One of the possible fronts of the leaflet. You can download the full set here.

But That Isn’t Even A Tenth Of It

It turns out the problem isn’t where to start – it’s where to stop. Men and boys have some of the most horrifying problems imaginable, but they are being ignored. There’s no attention. In fact, there’s strong evidence people are trying to hide it – or even make things worse. And, bizarrely, so-called ‘equality campaigners’ are often to blame.

International Men’s Day is our way of correcting that imbalance, and fighting to create true equality. Which brings us to your mission! We want you to shout about this from the rafters and the hilltops. We want you to help us unbury the biggest scandal in the history of the world. A scandal perpetuated by the media, teachers, presidents, and everyone in between. We want you to go out and tell people what is actually happening. And step one is telling them what’s happening to boys and men.

Some Ideas For International Men’s Day

There’s a huge amount you can do with little or no budget. For example:

The rest, as they say, is up to you. You can find International Men’s Day resources at, if need be.

Want To Find Out More?

Feel free to check out our news feed at the Men’s Rights Reddit. Do you have an issue that affects you, or a male family member? We are here and ready to support you on the Men’s Human Rights Discord Server. All are welcome in our communities – regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or religion. If you are feeling generous, you can also support to our Activism Fund over at Patreon. All money (and then some) goes towards campaigns to change laws and spread awareness of men’s legal and social problems. None of the money donated is paid to activists.


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