On November 19th, people around the world will get together for International Men’s Day. But what is it about? Why would men need their own day, when they’re the majority of CEOs and leaders? Don’t men have it all? In fact – don’t men have everything, except problems? Surely there’s a reason political figures around the world laugh at the very idea that men need help?

But that’s just the thing – men and boys are in trouble. They are in so much trouble, you wouldn’t even believe it. There isn’t even enough room in this article cover it all. So where do we even begin? If you found one of our leaflets (which you can download here), you may be curious about the ludicrous statistics on the back. For example, that 77% of all suicides are men. Which is to say that, in Europe and America, roughly four men and boys kill themselves for every woman or girl. It’s an outrageous figure…. so why haven’t you heard about it? And why is it so lopsided? Well, we can explain that one by mentioning some of the other issues men face. These are from the back of the leaflet:
- Most of the homeless are men, with estimates ranging from 69.2% all the way up to a staggering 88%. It’s difficult to track the true number, but these likely include women who are staying with friends as about 90% of the people who die on the streets are men.
- 78.7% of homicide victims worldwide are men.
- HALF of all domestic abuse victims are male.
- 92.5% of all workplace deaths are men.
(Note: we try to archive links to prevent them dying. All pages live at time of publishing.)
And That’s Not All
Every leaflet also comes with an individual fact right on the front. If your leaflet is not here, you will likely find the source on our citations page. Some of the ones you might see include:
Click To Expand List
Boko Haram
Over 10,000 boys were kidnapped by Boko Haram before they started kidnapping girls. And a whole school worth of boys may have been kidnapped over Christmas 2020. More boys were killed during the taking of the girls than were kidnapped. But where are celebrities like Michelle Obama to scream #BringBackOurBoys? Where is the mass media attention? It has already been forgotten. Note: the 10,000 figure doesn’t include the thousands of boys and men Boko Haram burnt to death. See our article for more details and citations.
More people die from Prostate Cancer than Breast Cancer in the UK. But in 2020-21, Cancer Research UK gave £24.8 million to Breast Cancer research, but only £10.9 million to Prostate Cancer. That’s less than half what they gave to Breast Cancer. Please do donate to a Prostate Cancer research charity today! (Be sure it’s not just an ‘awareness’ charity.)
Covid 19 kills TWICE as many men as women worldwide
According to the CDC: men are nearly two and a half times more likely to die from Covid 19 than women. Stats in local areas vary, with some places seeing only 70% more men killed, and some seeing even more than twice as many men dead. Men are also known to require intensive care three times as often despite catching Covid at the same rate. And yet, many major voices in the media (as well as charities) are trying to hijack Covid to push a women-first agenda. Even presenting the pandemic as harming women more. Or highlighting female victims of a spike in domestic violence, while ignoring male ones. Male suicide has spiked worldwide during Covid, often because there are few domestic violence resources for men.
- Spain suffers TWICE as many male deaths. (Original)
- UK suffers TWICE as many male deaths. (Original)
Domestic Violence
- 200 studies showing men are just as likely to be victims of Domestic Violence.
- Harvard says 70% of domestic violence is committed by women against men.
Killers during Genocides specifically, and almost exclusively, target boys and men. Making them the primary targets of most genocides. Genocide participants typically do not kill women or girls, and may even let them go – though they are often raped. (Note: the men and boys are often raped and tortured as well, before they are killed) This phenomena of targeting males is well known and documented, and yet citations like the one above will often try to shift focus off of male deaths by saying things like “In particular, the violence directed at women and girls during genocide is fed by existing misogynistic attitudes in society”. While, of course, not speculating about if men and boys might be targeted due to sexism. If you want to read more about men being targeted during genocides, see our regularly updated list of genocide examples on our Citations page, under the ‘Empathy Gap’ menu.

- Men suffer from court bias, and men of all races get 63% harsher sentences for the same crimes. And, in fact, that has been true for at least 200 years.
- Your teenage son may be forced to pay child support to his rapist.
- 96% of people shot by the police are men.
- In family courts, almost twice as many sexual abuse allegations against fathers are proven to be malicious than proven to be true. 88% of accusations overall are proven to be false and the vast majority are either suspected or proven to be malicious. (see chart) Judges have remarked that malicious false accusations are common in courts.
- In India, activists legalised the rape of boys and men by women. They have done the same in Israel, and other countries. Activists claim that ‘male rapists might counter-claim that they were raped’. This has happened in several countries. This unfairness has led to at least one young boy being sent to jail for his own rape, while his attacker gets counselling.
Media Bias
The media and justice system is obsessed with one thing: frail female victims of horrible men. Especially if they are pretty, young, and white. In total, literally half of all American news stories focus on white women and girls. Especially girls. By contrast, 17.40% of attention was on white male victims – while black men only received 3.7%, and black women got 2x as much at 9.03%. This massive bias is often called “Missing White Women Syndrome”. And the “Woman” part of that is so strong that even a major university talking about the above study focused primarily on how this affected non-white women.
This bias for female victims directly leads to female crimes against males being ignored or massively downplayed. For example, by using words like “romp” and “sex” to talk about a child being drugged and raped. And this absolutely isn’t an isolated example.
Boys are doing worse than girls at school because they’re being deliberately held back. It is very well documented that boys get the same marks as girls when the teacher doesn’t know who they’re grading. Yet ‘experts’ want to pretend that boys are just stupider than girls.
Half of all rape victims are men:
- The CDC says as many men as women have been raped. However they class ‘rape of men by women’ as ‘Made To Penetrate’ in order to not include it in the CDC based stats you may be familiar with (such as from RAINN).
- Nearly half of all African boys claim to have been raped.
- More young boys are forced into prostitution than girls.
- Female teachers: the sexual abusers nobody suspects.
- More examples on our citations page under Crimes/Sex Crimes.
Unfortunately, this is often hidden from the general public, and there is little justice to be had. It doesn’t help that male victims suffer ‘recall bias’ that makes them more likely to minimise or dismiss their own victimhood as time goes on.
Other Examples
Scientists throughout history have preferred their unwilling human lab rats to be male. Even to the extent of detonating nukes over their heads and giving young boys to known pedos. No, we’re not kidding about any of that.
And That’s Just What We Could Fit On A leaflet
It just gets worse from here on in.

- When a family is starving parents prefer to feed the girls, leading to more boys with stunted growth.
- When a robot car has to run someone over, most people would strongly prefer that person be male.
- Boys who are raped and abused by women are laughed at by the police.
- Judges know that, for abusive mothers malicious false accusations against dad are the weapon of choice in court. It’s so prevalent that 88% of child abuse allegations lodged against men in family court are fake and at least 20% are proven malicious. Despite that, NONE of the women making malicious accusations are prosecuted. And this has been going on for decades.
But That Isn’t Even A Tenth Of It
It turns out the problem isn’t where to start – it’s where to stop. Men and boys have some of the most horrifying problems imaginable, but they are being ignored. There’s no attention. In fact, there’s strong evidence people are trying to hide it – or even make things worse. And, bizarrely, so-called ‘equality campaigners’ are often to blame.
International Men’s Day is our way of correcting that imbalance, and fighting to create true equality. Which brings us to your mission! We want you to shout about this from the rafters and the hilltops. We want you to help us unbury the biggest scandal in the history of the world. A scandal perpetuated by the media, teachers, presidents, and everyone in between. We want you to go out and tell people what is actually happening. And step one is telling them what’s happening to boys and men.
Some Ideas For International Men’s Day
There’s a huge amount you can do with little or no budget. For example:
- Download our full, free, International Men’s Day leaflet pack, and hang them up around your office/school/church/etc. Your own home printer is fine – but if you’re willing to go a little further, it costs almost nothing to print literally thousands of leaflets.
- Share this article and talk about International Men’s Day with everyone.
- Challenge your friends and neighbours with (gentle) questions about the lists above.
- Show people The Red Pill Documentary for a general explanation of what men are going through.
- Or get specific, and rent “American Circumcision” to show people why boys should be protected from torture, disability, and death.
- Stage a fundraiser for Prostate Cancer by taking part in “Movember”.
- Or take part in the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride.
- Or make your own challenge, and share it!
The rest, as they say, is up to you. You can find International Men’s Day resources at internationalmensday.com, if need be.
Want To Find Out More?
Feel free to check out our news feed at the Men’s Rights Reddit. Do you have an issue that affects you, or a male family member? We are here and ready to support you on the Men’s Human Rights Discord Server. All are welcome in our communities – regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or religion. If you are feeling generous, you can also support to our Activism Fund over at Patreon. All money (and then some) goes towards campaigns to change laws and spread awareness of men’s legal and social problems. None of the money donated is paid to activists.
I’m definitely going to do this. I may have to create my own posters on this, but I’ll send you an email of that if I do. Let’s do as much as we can, this is all too important!