Our Stories

The Female Rapist’s Weapon (Our Stories)

“Can a woman actually rape a man?” and “How is that even possible?” are the two most common questions we get asked about male rape victims. But it is no easy thing to explain a new concept to a sceptic who has spent their whole life being told something is impossible; if they are told about it at all. The best way to show the truth to people who are uncertain or unaware is to let the stories of male victims speak for themselves, and that is what we intend to do. Some parts may be incredibly disturbing. If you are a victim of rape and you would like support, or to share your story in a fully anonymous way, you can contact us at our Discord.

The following is the story of one man in his own words.

What Happened To Him

I’m bad at writing stories so I’ll cut to the chase, about 3-4 weeks ago I (a man) was raped by a female at a house party. so as to protect individuals, my friend who owned the house will have the name Perry and the female will be know as H. So I went to Perry’s house on a Friday night and enjoyed myself I drank a lot hung out with other friends of mine that worked in my squadron. Around 11pm H comes to the party invited by Italians who were there with us. I was drunk and asked Perry if I could sleep in his bed and he told me to go ahead and call him if I needed anything (he’s a really good friend) so I went upstairs and passed out I woke up with H on top of me riding me, I was so intoxicated all I could do was moan at first eventually I was able to say “no” and “get off” eventually she put her hand over my mouth and said “if you say another word I’ll scream and say you raped me” this scared me so I didn’t say anything and drifted in and out of consciousness.

The next morning I woke up, I had blood on my cock with bruises to my chest and stomach area. After making my way downstairs one of my “friends” asked if I had a good time last night and winked. Disgusted I left the house and drove home. I didn’t tell anyone for 2 weeks and stayed home and cried at night cause I couldn’t sleep and my mental state was deteriorating. Eventually I filed a restricted report with SAPR or sexual assault response program for non military people. Restricted means no investigation or legal action just support and medical help. They gave me shots and tested my blood and urine for STDs and eventually I decided to take my case public after I read a few of the stories on here (r/MensRights) and on askreddit where brave men came out and said how they were raped by women.

I realized I wasn’t alone like I thought I was. A few days later I’m at work and get arrested, taken to the police station I got asked a lot of questions. Apparently after I went public with my case she said I raped her and here in Italy it’s not really believed that men can be raped by women. Eventually they let me go home after the SAPR people showed up with pictures of the bruises and cuts and scratches she had done to my torso. Which brings me to today, Legal office came and talked to me about a court case in a nearby city where I’ll have to attend on the account of sexual assault and rape as the aggressor and H as the defendant. I’m scared that the court will side with her and ruin my life even more.

Thanks for reading this I knew I couldn’t stay silent anymore.

Men Are Human’s Take

This is an incredibly common story among male rape victims, and you may notice parallels with others on this site – as well as the few examples covered in the media. Key factors include:

  • False Accusations of rape and violence as a weapon of intimidation.
  • A shared understanding that the man won’t be believed. As Amber Heard famously put it, in reference to her abuse of Johnny Depp “Nobody will believe a white male” The only thing she may actually have been wrong about here is that even fewer people are likely to believe black men. (Note: the victim of this story has not revealed his ethnicity, and we are not implying that he has)
  • Alcohol or drugs.
  • Opportunism and seclusion.
  • People see male consent as automatic and don’t view intoxication as an issue.
  • People don’t tend to think male rape victims exist – or that if they do, they are raped by other men.
  • Police automatically believe the woman. The man is Guilty Until Proven Innocent.
  • Police assume the woman is telling the truth, and are loath to prosecute her if they find out she is not. Excuses are made for her, and she will quite likely go free, even if proven guilty.
  • Even if the woman is proven guilty of rape and false accusations, male rape victims still have to pay her child support. That includes underage boys who are raped by older women. (Archive link)

We wish the victim good luck in their upcoming court case, and hope that justice and truth prevail. If you are in a similar situation, here is some advice This advice is not from a lawyer, but you should very much try to get one and ask them about it.

  • Preserve all evidence – especially if she openly admits that she could accuse you and you can record it. The key thing that the victim did right was to have officials document the wounds and what was done to him.
  • The system is biased against you at every stage of the proceedings. Men have twice the arrest and conviction rate of women, and get a 63% increased sentence.
  • Rally witnesses. It doesn’t matter if they believe you so long as they can tell the truth. The friends in this story can confirm several vital facts: 1) That he was very drunk. 2) That he went upstairs to crash on the bed first, and was basically falling unconscious. They likely knew he was alone at this point because, most vitally: 3) That she went upstairs and into his room by herself, and they knew what was going on. 4) They may also be able to comment on how drunk she was, and anything she may have said that was incriminating.
  • Pressing charges against her, and simply fighting this case, will help to bring awareness to rape victims who happen to be male. This, above everything, will help to equalise the situation and change unfair and biased laws like these.

Thank you for reading.

Want To Know More About Us?

MenAreHuman.com campaigns to raise awareness of critical human rights issues effecting men, but we need your help. We need people to help write articles for the site, and we are looking to create a team of people to create and manage daily content. If you would like to help, the Men Are Human team is always available through our Discord. We also need to secure our future and promote the site using online advertising, so any donations you would like to make will be gladly received. If you just want to keep up with our articles in future, please check out our Twitter. We are also on Gab if you prefer that.


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