Critical Issues

(Now Closed) Domestic Violence Research Needs Your Help!

The research team is no longer accepting applicants for this project – but stay tuned as they may be back! Thank you to everyone who took part! 🙂 You can still read the original request bellow, but the contact form is no longer open.

You may remember last August we asked your help with research by The University Of Central Lancaster. Well they’re back, and they need your help again! This time, the study is open to ALL victims of domestic violence and we are hoping that you will be willing to help them out. The previous research seems to have been a great success, and we would like to thank everyone who took part through the site. Here is the key information given to us by the researcher.

My name is Thomas Nally and I am a PhD student with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and a forensic psychologist in training. I am conducting a study examining factors that may affect how victims/survivors in abusive relationships protect themselves.  

As an individual with lived experience, you would provide valuable insights into behaviours and strategies used to reduce or prevent the risk of abuse. You are invited to take part in this research if you have been a victim of an abusive relationship and reside in the UK. 

If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete some questionnaires, taking up to one hour to complete. Some questions in the questionnaire may be upsetting or uncomfortable, you will be able to withdraw from the study at any point, during the questionnaire. You will not be asked about identifiable information, such as your name, your perpetrator’s name or your location. You will not be identified in the write up of the findings. 

How To Take Part

Entries are now closed! But thank you for reading! Hopefully there will be another study soon that you can take part in. 🙂


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