Men's Human RightsPublic Criticism

So, Why Do MRAs Hate Feminism So Much?

Men’s Right’s Activists get asked this question more than any other, and the answer tends to really surprise the asker: we would not care about feminism very much if feminists did not make anti-male laws, or attack us just for bringing up men’s issues. Don’t believe me?
Well here is the classic example: Despite caring very much about women’s issues and campaigning for them regularly, Warren Farrell also sees an urgent need to address men’s issues. He is particularly worried about the massive rate at which men kill themselves, the way male rape victims are ignored, the way the school system hurts boys, and many others. To do this, he started by giving a series of talks at university campuses to raise awareness.
This was the reaction of feminists:

(Archive Link)

That is what feminism looks like from our perspective: a screaming mob throwing itself up against the police barricades in an attempt to get at us and beat us to a pulp (link to original video). Feminist counter-protests such as these often turn violent, and even at their most mild they are an attempt to silence and destroy. This is why many MRAs think that this ideology is an anti-male hate group. Particularly as it gave rise to #KillAllMen.
Can you blame us?
By the time he started giving these talks, Warren Farrell had already been hounded out of the feminist movement just for questioning its ideological assumptions and politely bringing up men’s issues. He never campaigned for legalising rape of women, and neither has the Men’s Human Right’s Movement because that would be utterly insane. He has never wanted to subjugate women, and neither has the MHRM. He has never staged a riot to attack and silence them – and nor have any of us.
But feminists have done all of these things. Which brings us to our first big problem – “why do MRAs hate feminism?” is entirely the wrong question to ask. A far better one is:


“Why Do So Many Feminists Hate Men And Hate Equality?”


Protester against Men’s Equality as the Australian March for Men 2018. The sign says “Misogynist Rapist Assholes.”

It is safe to say that nobody who genuinely wishes for equality would condemn an entire gender, and blame them for the actions of criminals. They would not engage in blaming tactics to attack an entire gender – or argue that this gender should have all its rights taken away and be put in special camps, even jokingly. Nor would they cheer and laugh when members of that gender are grievously mutilated by their wives – while suggesting ways that they, personally, would have mutilated the victim. And they most certainly would not protest against the equal rights of that gender. In fact, they would see all these things as barbaric.
And not only that – if anyone said those things while part of a genuine equality movement, that group would immediately disavow and excommunicate them. They would demand an apology, they would expect it to be genuine, and they would expect it to be directed at the victimised group.
They absolutely would NOT be silent about it. They would NOT let that member remain part of their group, or associate with them, until they apologised and recanted their horrific views. They would NOT support them until then. They would NOT seek to shame and silence critics of their own movement – or back up the person in question. In fact – they would hold their equality movement to the absolute highest standards, and refuse to silence criticism against it.


Some Feminists Do Want To Fix Feminism


Woman holding sign

A member of the Men’s March. The sign reads “Real Feminists Support Men Too”

Despite all the examples above, and despite having a strong anti-feminist presence, The Men’s Human Rights Movement itself doesn’t have any set views about feminism. Pro-feminist MRAs are rare, but they exist openly and are not kicked out. Unlike most feminist forums and subs, we are not in the habit of banning people because they disagree with us. That means there is nothing stopping feminists from debating MRAs on the /r/MensRights Reddit board, or posting about Men’s Human Rights there. Or even from debating on Men Are Human.
Feminists who pledge their support for true equality on MHRM reddits and forums tend to get cautious applause. That is because the MHRM just wants to sort out gender equality and make society fairer for everyone – though we are still very wary of feminists. Some have tried to bait, trick, attack, or mislead us – or even to redirect the MHRM to focus on women’s issues.
But, overall, we are very positive towards anyone who tries to help. Regular readers of the sub will know we are something of a fan of Christina Hoff Summers – a feminist who is hated by feminists for supporting men and applying critical thought to feminism. We even have feminist supporters and writers on Men Are Human, and will be posting an article by one for Movemeber. If you watch the videos and look at the photos from our Marches, you may notice that there are feminists dotted into the crowd. The photo on the left is of one such feminist.


Hateful Feminists Are Warping Society With Toxic Ideology

We salute feminists who stand up to bullies in their movement, but those equality-focused feminists are in the minority. Worse, they tend to be abused and shunned by the movement – just like Warren Farrell. None of the hateful examples of feminist man-bashing given in this article are isolated incidents, as much as we would love them to be.
Feminists have a long and storied history of attacking men’s human rights, and men in general. Man-hating is a grand feminist tradition, and has been a major part of every woman’s movement to date. People forget that The Suffragettes themselves were terrorists who planted bombs and set fires intended to murder men and destroy lives. And not only that – they spearheaded the White Feather shaming campaign.
The fact that men did not have the vote either did not bother them. Later on, feminists would come along to clean up their image, remove men from the equation, and pretend men always held absolute power. Worse, this ideological propaganda is literally what we teach our children, and even mild disagreement to it will see you cornered by radical feminists and publicly shamed. Hatred of men is, sadly, a defining trait of the feminist movement.


This Is Why The Men’s Rights Movement Is Obsessed With Feminism

Go to any MHRM website and you will be inundated with literally tens of thousands of examples of men being abused by feminists. Just by searching for posts with the ‘feminism’ tag on the Men’s Rights Reddit you will notice something of a pattern:

And that is just a small sample from our sub that was tagged ‘feminism’. We have an entire tag dedicated to people who hate the MHRM. This sub catalogues literally tens of thousands of anti-male news articles, hate-speech rants, biased news stories, and most of them are by avowed feminists.
In other words: Men’s Human Rights Activists are focused on feminism because they need to be. Feminism is a key and defining problem for men, and always has been, because it is such a one-sided ideology.


So, Where Do We go From Here?

It seems clear that in order for feminism and the MHRM to form an alliance, the following things need to happen:

  • Feminism must stop ridiculing men’s issues and start promoting them. At the very least, it must back off and let us do our job, without claiming feminism is helping men (it isn’t). Ideally, Feminists must use their influence to combat the lack of empathy for boys and men. Particularly, they must tear-down, refute, and remove all of feminism’s anti-male teachings. And they must not pretend they never existed.
  • Feminism must open itself to criticism (and the MHRM must continue to welcome it).
  • All toxic parts of the ideology must be identified and removed. Theory must not be treated as fact. Fake history and one-sided accounts must not be taught in schools.
  • Both sides must openly denounce all toxic elements, especially those in positions of power. All media sources, journalists, and website that spread lies about men or hatred of men must be publicly condemned and criticised. All public speakers who spread hatred or lies must be publicly disowned by their movements. However, they must still be allowed to speak. This is a call for outcry and debate, not censorship. We do not advocate shouting down speakers.
  • Feminists must stop censoring everything they disagree with. Notice the poll on that article saying that nearly 90% of readers view feminism as ‘too puritanical’? Feminists also do this with science, and especially the MHRM. The feminists who try to censor us do so because they know the arguments of the MHRM are convincing and that their own are faulty.
  • Feminists must not try to claim the victories of the MHRM as their own (usually this is done as a way to suggest the MHRM isn’t needed). As the MHRM gains influence, we will see this happening at an increasing rate in the media.
  • Feminists must work to undo anti-male laws and policies that they have worked to create. This includes the Duluth Model, and unequal rape laws. Feminists must admit feminism is to blame for these. Not just some feminists. Not just outliers. The actual movement must take responsibility for its ideology and for fixing it.
  • Gender studies, having been proven to be a biased cesspool of anti-male propaganda, must either be fixed or de-funded. It is a system that is radicalising our youth, and the damage will only mount. It has no place being funded by taxpayers.

Individual feminists who agree with this list have a place in the MHRM. But be warned that the reason feminists censor us is because they know that a huge number of MRAs used to be feminists. Ultimately we should wish to do away with both movements and unite our causes into one – but if we do, we must fight for both genders equally. Not just our own.

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