The Truth About Boys Who Are Abused

  Boys are victims of abuse at a rate at least as high as that of girls in most of the world – and in some parts of the world they are the primary victims of abuse. They can even be forced to pay child support to their rapist. But the world does not want to hear about male victims – it shuts out their voices and ignores them. But we demand that boys be heard as well. We demand parity. And the boys themselves demand justice. Will you listen to the boys? Will you stand up for them?   Listen To Boys When They Try To Tell You

The Domestic Abuse & Rape Of Men

From emotional and financial abuse to rape at gunpoint, or with drug, or with threats – these stories uncover the hidden scandal of men who are abused, victimised. It shows how they are ignored by the law or even harassed, arrested, and imprisoned by the police for reporting it. Will you believe male victims as well as female victims? Will you help us fight for equality?  

Sexism Faced By Males In Our Society

Both genders are capable of hatred and contempt. Both are prone to power games and sexual abuse. And both are capable of discrimination against the opposite gender, and their own gender – as well as bullying of people who do not fit into standard gender norms. By telling the true stories of the men and boys who suffer from it, we can start to bring about the end of sexism and harassment by shaming those who practice it and forcing institutions to weed it out. Will you tell your own story?  

It’s Time To Tell Your Story

Are you a male victim of an abuser? Do you know a boy or man who is? We want to help you to tell your story (anonymously) to the world and to get help in making things right. This archive is dedicated to shining a light on the suffering faced by men and boys. Please read our FAQ if you have concerns about these stories or what to know more. If you have a true story of abuse or sexism against boys or men and want to tell people about it, please let us know in the forum. We accept all factual accounts of abuse against males, regardless of who submits them or who the abuser is. All that matters is we break the silence.
    Are you trapped in a gender studies class or under the heel of a sexist boss, or any other similar situation? We are ready to listen and to provide a way to keep a public log of the abuse. All text, audio, video, and photographic evidence is especially welcome and will be hosted right here on the site. The better verified your story, the more prominent it will be. Even those who just need a place to vent but don’t want to add to the database are welcome to tell their stories over at the support forums. We are also looking for volunteers to help support anyone who comes to us in crisis. Ideally, we want a team on permanent standby and we are especially looking for trained councillors. Our mission here is to prevent self-harm and suicide, as well as to direct victims to resources and charity services that can help.